
Map of Milano Google maps

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On Milano

City Name: Milano
Latitude: 45.467
Longitude: 9.2
Timezone: +01:00
County: MILA

On Italy

Country Name: Italy
Country FIPS104: IT
Country ISO2: IT
Country ISO3: ITA
Country ISON: 380
Country Internet: IT
Country Capital: Rome
Country Nationality Singular: Italian
Country Nationality Plural: Italians
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 57679825

Regions of Italy

Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle d'Aosta

Polls about Italy

Milan Cathedral

Milan Cathedral


Milan Cathedral - The Most Unusual Churches in the World

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The most Luxury Club in the world the Cavalli Club, Milan

The most Luxury Club in the world the Cavalli Club, Milan


The most Luxury Club in the world the Cavalli Club, Milan - The Best Night Clubs in the world

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Certosa di Pavia

Certosa di Pavia


Certosa di Pavia - The most beautiful churches of Italy

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Cosmo Hotel hotel

Cosmo Hotel hotel


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Longobardo hotel

Longobardo hotel


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Abacus hotel

Abacus hotel


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Umberto Primo hotel

Umberto Primo hotel


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G.H. Barone di Sassj hotel

G.H. Barone di Sassj hotel


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Villa Torretta hotel

Villa Torretta hotel


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Jolly Hotel Milano 2 hotel

Jolly Hotel Milano 2 hotel


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Air Hotel hotel

Air Hotel hotel


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Crowne Plaza Milan Linate hotel

Crowne Plaza Milan Linate hotel


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Montini hotel

Montini hotel


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Country Hotel Borromeo hotel

Country Hotel Borromeo hotel


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Sporting hotel

Sporting hotel


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Royal Falcone hotel

Royal Falcone hotel


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Della Regione hotel

Della Regione hotel


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De La Ville hotel

De La Ville hotel


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Excelsior Magenta hotel

Excelsior Magenta hotel


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Alla Passeggiata hotel

Alla Passeggiata hotel


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