
Map of Italy Piemonte Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Italy

On Italy

Country Name: Italy
Country FIPS104: IT
Country ISO2: IT
Country ISO3: ITA
Country ISON: 380
Country Internet: IT
Country Capital: Rome
Country Nationality Singular: Italian
Country Nationality Plural: Italians
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 57679825

Regions of Italy

Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle d'Aosta

Polls about Italy

Verduno Pelaverga or Verduno wine

Verduno Pelaverga or Verduno wine


Verduno Pelaverga or Verduno wine - Best wines in Italy

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Valsusa wine

Valsusa wine


Valsusa wine - Best wines in Italy

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Sizzano wine

Sizzano wine


Sizzano wine - Best wines in Italy

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Ruché of Castagnole Monferrato wine

Ruché of Castagnole Monferrato wine


Ruché of Castagnole Monferrato wine - Best wines in Italy

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Rubino of Cantavenna wine

Rubino of Cantavenna wine


Rubino of Cantavenna wine - Best wines in Italy

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Roero wine

Roero wine


Roero wine - Best wines in Italy

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Pinerolese wine

Pinerolese wine


Pinerolese wine - Best wines in Italy

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Piemonte wine

Piemonte wine


Piemonte wine - Best wines in Italy

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Nebbiolo d'Alba wine

Nebbiolo d'Alba wine


Nebbiolo d'Alba wine - Best wines in Italy

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Monferrato wine

Monferrato wine


Monferrato wine - Best wines in Italy

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Malvasia of Castelnuovo Don Bosco wine

Malvasia of Castelnuovo Don Bosco wine


Malvasia of Castelnuovo Don Bosco wine - Best wines in Italy

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Malvasia of Casorzo d'Asti wine

Malvasia of Casorzo d'Asti wine


Malvasia of Casorzo d'Asti wine - Best wines in Italy

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Loazzolo wine

Loazzolo wine


Loazzolo wine - Best wines in Italy

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Lessona wine

Lessona wine


Lessona wine - Best wines in Italy

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Langhe wine

Langhe wine


Langhe wine - Best wines in Italy

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Grignolino of Monferrato Casalese wine

Grignolino of Monferrato Casalese wine


Grignolino of Monferrato Casalese wine - Best wines in Italy

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Grignolino d'Asti wine

Grignolino d'Asti wine


Grignolino d'Asti wine - Best wines in Italy

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Gabiano wine

Gabiano wine


Gabiano wine - Best wines in Italy

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Freisa of Chieri wine

Freisa of Chieri wine


Freisa of Chieri wine - Best wines in Italy

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Freisa d'Asti wine

Freisa d'Asti wine


Freisa d'Asti wine - Best wines in Italy

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