
Map of United Kingdom Scotland Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of United Kingdom

On United Kingdom

Country Name: United Kingdom
Country FIPS104: UK
Country ISO2: GB
Country ISO3: GBR
Country ISON: 826
Country Internet: UK
Country Capital: London
Country Nationality Singular: British
Country Nationality Plural: Britons
Country Currency: Pound Sterling
Country Currency Code: GBP
Country Population: 59647790

Regions of United Kingdom

Northern Ireland

Polls about United Kingdom

Blairquhan Castle, Scotland

Blairquhan Castle, Scotland


Blairquhan Castle, Scotland - The Best Castle Hotels in the World

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The Royal Scotsman Train

The Royal Scotsman Train


The Royal Scotsman Train - The Most Luxury Trains in the World

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Café Royal

Café Royal


Café Royal - The Best Pubs in the World

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Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh

Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh


Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh - The most sinister places in the world

The most sinister places in the world, frightening places, horror, horror places, fear, ghosts, paranormal activity, Mary King’s Close in Edinburgh

The Garden of Cosmic Speculations

The Garden of Cosmic Speculations


The Garden of Cosmic Speculations - The most beautiful gardens in the world

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Glamis Castle in Scotland, UK

Glamis Castle in Scotland, UK


Glamis Castle in Scotland, UK - Top castles to visit in Europe

Top castles to visit in Europe, most beautiful castles in Europe, beautiful castles, amazing castles, Europe, castles, top castles, best castles, places to visit in Europe, Glamis Castle, Scotland, UK, ghosts

Edinburgh in Scotland

Edinburgh in Scotland


Edinburgh in Scotland - The cities with the best food

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Fire Festival

Fire Festival


Fire Festival - The strangest festivals in the world

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