
Map of Netherlands Zuid-Holland Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Netherlands

On Netherlands

Country Name: Netherlands
Country FIPS104: NL
Country ISO2: NL
Country ISO3: NLD
Country ISON: 528
Country Internet: NL
Country Capital: Amsterdam
Country Nationality Singular: Dutchman
Country Nationality Plural: Dutchmen
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 15981472

Regions of Netherlands

The Netherlands

Polls about Netherlands

The Cactus House

The Cactus House


The Cactus House - The Most Bizarre Houses in the World

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The Cube Houses

The Cube Houses


The Cube Houses - The Most Bizarre Houses in the World

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The International Film Festival in Rotterdam

The International Film Festival in Rotterdam


The International Film Festival in Rotterdam - The Best Film Festivals in the World

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Cube Houses, Netherlands

Cube Houses, Netherlands


Cube Houses, Netherlands - The strangest houses in the world

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