
Map of Moldova Balti Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Moldova

On Moldova

Country Name: Moldova
Country FIPS104: MD
Country ISO2: MD
Country ISO3: MDA
Country ISON: 498
Country Internet: MD
Country Capital: Chisinau
Country Nationality Singular: Moldovan
Country Nationality Plural: Moldovans
Country Currency: Moldovan Leu
Country Currency Code: MDL
Country Population: 4431570

Regions of Moldova

Stinga Nistrului

Polls about Moldova

Saint Nicholas Cathedral

Saint Nicholas Cathedral


Saint Nicholas Cathedral - Discover Balti

stone churches, cathedrals, religious architecture, historical vestige, St. Nicholas Cathedral from Balti Moldova, description of St. Nicholas Cathedral from Balti Moldova, history of St. Nicholas Cathedral from Balti

The National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri

The National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri


The National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri - Discover Balti

best places in Balti, one of the most monumental buildings, real art monument in Balti Moldova, The National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri from Balti Moldova, description of the National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri from Balti,history of the National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri from Balti, achievements of the National Theatre Vasile Alecsandri from Balti Moldova

The Armenian St. Gregory the Enlightener Church

The Armenian St. Gregory the Enlightener Church


The Armenian St. Gregory the Enlightener Church - Discover Balti

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The "Alecu Russo" State University of Balti

The "Alecu Russo" State University of Balti


The "Alecu Russo" State University of Balti - Discover Balti

academic institutions and higher education of Moldova, career opportunities, international cooperation programmes, courses, degrees, the Alecu Russo University from Balti, description of the Alecu Russo University from Balti,

The Saint Constantine and Elena's Cathedral, Balti

The Saint Constantine and Elena's Cathedral, Balti


The Saint Constantine and Elena's Cathedral, Balti - Discover Balti

the best cathedral to visit in Balti, one of the most attended place in Balti, the oldest cathedral to visit in Balti, Saint Constantine and Ellena's Cathedral in Balti, description of Saint Constantine and Ellena's Cathedral from Balti, history of Saint Constantine and Ellena's Cathedral from Balti




Bălţi - The most beautiful places to visit in Moldova

best places to visit in Moldova, Balti, towns of Moldova