
Map of Canada Nunavut Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Canada

On Canada

Country Name: Canada
Country FIPS104: CA
Country ISO2: CA
Country ISO3: CAN
Country ISON: 124
Country Internet: CA
Country Capital: Ottawa
Country Nationality Singular: Canadian
Country Nationality Plural: Canadians
Country Currency: Canadian Dollar
Country Currency Code: CAD
Country Population: 31592805

Regions of Canada

Nova Scotia
Newfoundland and Labrador
New Brunswick
British Columbia
Prince Edward Island
Northwest Territories

Yukon Territory

Polls about Canada

The Diavik Diamond Mine

The Diavik Diamond Mine


The Diavik Diamond Mine - The Best Earth Scars in the World

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Baffin Island

Baffin Island


Baffin Island - The best places to visit in Canada

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