
Map of Brussels Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Belgium

On Brussels

City Name: Brussels
Latitude: 50.833
Longitude: 4.333
Timezone: +01:00
County: BRUS

On Belgium

Country Name: Belgium
Country FIPS104: BE
Country ISO2: BE
Country ISO3: BEL
Country ISON: 56
Country Internet: BE
Country Capital: Brussels
Country Nationality Singular: Belgian
Country Nationality Plural: Belgians
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 10258762

Regions of Belgium

Brabant Wallon

Polls about Belgium

The Seat of the European Union, Belgium

The Seat of the European Union, Belgium


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The Manneken Pis

The Manneken Pis


The Manneken Pis - The Strangest Sculptures in the World

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The Atomium

The Atomium


The Atomium - The Strangest Sculptures in the World

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Stoclet Palace

Stoclet Palace


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Dinner in the Sky

Dinner in the Sky


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Brussels City Hall

Brussels City Hall


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The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace


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Palais de Justice

Palais de Justice


Palais de Justice - The best places to visit in Brussels, Belgium

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Horta Museum

Horta Museum


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St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral

St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral


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Grand Place

Grand Place


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Manneken Pis

Manneken Pis


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Atomium - The best places to visit in Brussels, Belgium

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Art Brussels

Art Brussels


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