Destinations / The best places to visit in Canada / Baffin Island
Baffin Island
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Baffin Island belongs to the administrative region of Qikiqtaaluk of Nunavut in Canada. With an area of 507,451 km2 is the largest island in Canada and the 5th largest in the world. In 2006, the island registered a population of approx. 11 000 persons, which places it first among the islands of Nunavut and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in general.
The island is named after English explorer William Baffin. In eastern Baffin Island are Davis Strait and Baffin Bay, which extends beyond Greenland. South of Hudson Strait separating the mainland. West of Melville Peninsula is separated from the mainland through Foxe Basin through Fury and Hecla Strait. North-west of the peninsula separating the Gulf Booth Booth and Somerset Island and the northern strait separating the island Devon Lancaster. In the northwest, on Bylot Island is a short distance. East coast of Baffin Island is indented by numerous fjords and bays, most importantly Admiralty bays, Frobisher and Cumberland. The main geographic feature of the island is Baffin Mountains which stretch along the coast of north-eastern part of the Arctic Cordillera. The highest peak is Mount Odin, with an altitude of 2147 m. Another important peak is Mount Asgard, located in Auyuittuq National Park, with a height of 2011 m. Area covered by ice on Baffin Island is 35 900 km2, there are 10,224 glaciers. Barnes icecap is located in the central part of the island. Recent studies have shown that this cap, the oldest in Canada, is in continuous retreat since the 1950s. Another important is the cap Penny ice cap, located on Cumberland Peninsula, northwest of Pangnirtung step. On the island there are a number of the lakes, the largest of them, located in south-central area being Nettilling lake (5063 km2) and Lake Amadjuak (3058 km2).
The island is surrounded by ice almost all year. Until recently, the ice is melting more than a short period in August. Currently, the city Iqaluit, sea ice is free from late June until late September. The most important setting is Iqaluit on Baffin Island, which is the capital while Nunavut. By 1987, the city, located in the southeast of the island, was called Frobisher Bay, where the gulf is.
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By Maria Morari
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