
ugliest places tag - Best Tourism best destinations


The most polluted places in the world (Eco-friendly locations)

Great Pacific Garbage Patch Great Pacific Garbage Patch
   What is there? Well it is famous - tragic fame - Pacific landfill. Because of ocean currents that converge in this area and they carry with trash floating in the ocean, there was formed a floating island of garbage, of enormous dimensions. Its surface was estimated to be approximately double that Texas American status (the second largest in the U.S.) that's about. 1.4 million km square, a frightening figure. In this vast expanse - and down to 10 meters under the surface - floating garbage a hideous crowd, most of which waste pla...
Citarum River in Indonesia Citarum River in Indonesia
  It was called the dirtiest river in the world - a title that nobody would wish for the water near which he lives. Around five million people live in the Citarum river basin, and many of them use it as a water source. Late last year, a large bank Asian Development Bank - has granted a loan of 500 million dollars to clean infected watercourse. To hope that, years later, Citarum will not be on the list like this....
Yamuna River in India Yamuna River in India
   As dirty and dangerous as the Citarum, Yamuna River, the largest tributary of the Ganges, passing through the city of Delhi - and that says almost everything about halul incare there. It is estimated that 58% of city waste product goes directly into the Yamuna, whose waters are used by millions of Indians both waste disposal and for washing, cooking and drinking....