
The most beautiful bridges in the world -> Destinations


About The most beautiful bridges in the world

Most beautiful bridges in the world
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Golden Gate Bridge in USA

Golden Gate Bridge is located in the western part of the United States in California, was inaugurated on May 27, 1937. On the first day of operation, the bridge was opened only for pedestrians in that day (called the Day Pedestrian) and was crossed by 200,000 people. With an opening of 1,280 m, the Golden Gate Bridge connecting San Francisco to Sausalito, which is situated north of the Golden Gate Strait which connects San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean. Bridge, which has a total l...

Tower Bridge in United Kingdom

  Tower Bridge is the highest bridge in London, as the name suggests he belongs to, symbolically, the Tower of London who is around you. Tower Bridge is a symbol of London, with its two identical towers, with two moving parts of them, a thousand tons each, which can be high with the help of powerful machines in just 90 seconds.      Built between 1886 - 1894, Tower Bridge has become the first largest tourist attraction, with spectacular exhibitio...

Alexander Bridge in Paris, France

   The building of the bridge took place in late nineteenth century and lasted almost three years. The structure was made in a factory and then transported and assembled using a huge crane. It is built of steel and stone in Art Nouveau style. The result is a 107.5 meters long, 40 meters wide and 6 feet tall bridge.    The bridge is decorated with lanterns, angels and nymphs. At the bridge ends are gilded with gold statues perched on pillars 17 meters high. E...

Iron Bridge in United Kingdom

The Iron Bridge does not have many decorative elements and is not very special but it has something unique. It is the first bridge in the world that was fully realized only in steel and the speed with which it conducted its state-owned building and managed to convince the engineers of the benefits of using steel in construction and virtually started the Industrial Revolution era....

The Wind and Rain Bridge in China

   Chenyang Bridge was built by the Dong people (a minority in China) who lived in the valleys of China and were acknowledged as excellent bridge builders. These bridges are called "wind and rain" as they play a role in ensuring the passage from one side of the valley also had another role to protect people from the weather. Another feature of this bridge is that the construction of this bridge is not used any bolt, although the material used is wood....

Pont du Gard in France

  Pont du Gard is a masterpiece of Roman engineering and represents an aqueduct in southern France, near the village Remoulins (near Avignon). It was built by the Romans 2,000 years ago. It is said that 1,000 workers had worked five years for its construction. Its aim was to bring water to Nimes town. Large stones which compose it were cut perfectly so that they combine without using mortar.   UNESCO World Heritage monument and is situated on 165 acres of...

Khaju Bridge in Iran

Khaju bridge was built in the 17th century in Iran. It serves the function of the dam, because it is fitted with behind large gates are closed and arches that night causes raising water as irrigating gardens along the river Zayandeh....

Bridge of Sighs in Venice

   The bridge crossing the River Palace was named Bridge of Sighs in the nineteenth century, as it connects the Doges prison and interrogation room. It is rumored that prisoners looked at the beauty of Venice for the last time through the window here  before being sentenced to execution or torture. In fact, prisoners were imprisoned for minor infractions only. Another legend says that lovers who kiss under the bridge will be part of everlasting love. ...

Ponte Vecchio in Florence, Italy

    Ponte Vecchio is a medieval bridge built over the Arno river. In fact, it is more than a bridge: a street, a market and a landmark of Florence. Ponte Vecchio was created in 1345 by Taddeo Gaddi. To finance construction of the bridge, part of the bridge were rented to merchants. ...

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