The Diavik Diamond Mine
The Diavik Diamond Mine is a mine of diamonds in the Northwest Territories , in Canada . Located at about 300 km north of Yellowknife , it became one of the foundations of the economy of the region: 700 people , including about 250 aborigines , work and turnover is over 100 million Canadian dollars per year. Its production is more than 8 million carats ( 1 600 kg ) of diamonds annually. The area was studi...
The Best Earth Scars in the World -> Eco-friendly locations
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About The Best Earth Scars in the World
These are wonders on the planet's surface. These deep holes with different forms cannot be rehabilitated and provide the most amazing and fantastic views ever.Space invasion in the Earth's history occurred more than once - this has been linked with climate change, dinosaurs, the appearance of failure of the crust and other incredible disasters ... Some of the biggest scars of the Earth had been caused by the falling of asteroids, but others are really truly environmental wonders.Discover some of these incredible locations of the planet.
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earth scars holes holes on the Earth the best scars on the Earth to visit the best Earth scars in the world the most incredible Earth scars in the World top amazing Earth scars on the Earth
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