
Best new sites included in UNESCO patrimony -> Destinations


About Best new sites included in UNESCO patrimony

Best new sites included in UNESCO patrimony
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Tubbataha Reef Marine Park

  The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park located in the Philippines, is enrolled in the World Heritage Site in 1993. National Park is home to beautiful coral reefs, with a great diversity of marine life including whales, dolphins, sharks and turtles. The site is now three times more than before, increasing from 33,000 hectares to 97,000. Its reefs host over 350 species of coral and almost 500 species of fish.     Besides the picturesque swimming, Tubbata...

The Dolomites

  The Dolomites are part of the Italian Alps, is located in the north-east of their border with Austria, in which the Italians and Austrians call the South Tyrol Alto Adige. Their name comes from the rock mountains of which are made and what was called "Dolomia" after his name Dolomieu, who, fascinated by it, in 1789 had an important role in its classification. The site, which covers more than 1400 km2, consists of 18 peaks exceeding 3000 m altitude. This magnificent place...

Caral-Supe City

  City of Caral is one of the oldest cities known in Americas and a major tourist destination in Peru. The Norte Chico civilization known building is a pyramid with a height of 30 meters, located 20 miles from the Pacific coast.     A strong earthquake produced 3,800 years ago led to the disappearance of this amazing civilization who lived Soups valley, north of the current Peruvian capital Lima. Over 2,000 years, the inhabitants of the vall...

Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

   The hydraulic system of Shushtar is a hydraulic system of great historical importance, located in the Iranian Shushtar area. It was made in the 5th century BC, during the reign of Darius the Great. The hydraulic system is surrounded by magnificent buildings such as Salasel castle, which controls the tower Kolah-Farangi (which measures the level of water), dams, bridges, ponds and mills. UNESCO has decided to rank this site as a masterpiece of human genius....

Sulaiman Too Sacred Mountain

  Sulaiman Too holy mountain is located near the city of Osh in Kyrgyzstan. He is at the crossroads of many of the Silk Road of Central Asia. For centuries, the hill served as a landmark for tourists. "Mount of Solomon," a place of pilgrimage for the faithful Muslim, but also is visited by all Christians. The peaks and slopes of this mountain house many old places of worship, caves, petroglyphs and mosques....

Stoclet Palace

  Stoclet Palace in Brussels dates from 1905 and was built at the request of a wealthy banker and collector, called Adolphe Stoclet. The latter has allowed architect Josef Hoffman free his imagination, who has made a masterpiece of Art Nouveau style, which is in fact the beginning of Art Deco and Modernist movements....

Loropeni ruins

  The place where the Loropeni ruins are located is in Burkina Faso and it is spread over an area of 11,130 m2. Loropeni ruins dating back at least 1000 years and are still not fully unearthed, thus sheltering more surprises. These ruins are the best preserved of all the ten lobes stronghold in the region, south-west of the country....

Wadden Sea

  Wadden Sea is located between Germany and the Netherlands, enjoying a temperate ecosystem in a humid area, the coast. Numerous sandbanks, preriile sea grass, salt marshes, estuaries, beaches and dunes make up a wonderful setting.     Wadden Sea is one of the most important regions in the world for migratory birds, with up to 6.1 million birds in the region while more than 400,000 breeding pairs capable of averaging 10 to 12 million birds passin...

Tower of Hercules

  Legend says that this is the place where Hercules fought with giant Gerion. The battle between the two lasted three days and three nights, and the Greek hero won over the giant. He buried his head and huge arms, and on this place there was built a lighthouse.     But the reality is different. The lighthouse was built by the Romans in the first century and it still works now. It is located on a cliff and it is 55 meters high. In the 18th cen...

Mount Wutai

  Mount Wutai is located in the province of Shanxin, China and it was included in the list of World Heritage in the framework of the 33rd conference on the World Heritage held in Seville, Spain. Mount Wutai means "mountain with five terraces", which is the peculiarity of the site chosen by UNESCO.     Mount Wutai is one of the four mountains with Buddhist temples in China with a prestigious history as the most sacred place loved by Chin...

Pontcysyllte Aqueduct and Canal

  Bridge and canal at Pontcysyllte, located in North Wales, have also entered World Heritage Site. Commission estimated that the 18 km channel is a true evidence of genius, manifested in the time of the Industrial Revolution. Engineer Thomas Telford is the origin of the masterpiece, a pioneer in this field. Arcs and loose resistant bridge gives a great shape, but elegant.  ...

Cidade Velha

  In the eighteenth century, the town of Ribeira Grande, situated on the Cape Verde island of Santiago, 15 km from the city of Praia, Cidade Velha was renamed. This is the first colonial city built by Europeans in the tropics. Cidade Velha was the port where many slaves were sold along with many other goods. The city today preserves important vestiges of those times. The narrow, dusty streets and stone house, this beautiful area is shadowed by the ruins of ancient fortresses, and th...

Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle City

  Neighboring cities Chaux-de-Fonds and Le Locle, Switzerland, are both included in the Unesco World Heritage. These two cities are a symbol of Swiss Jura mountains of original urban development. Although high areas are not great for agriculture, settlements dating from the early nineteenth century were always based on the production of watches, for which are renowned worldwide....

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