
The Circus Krone-one of the largest circuses in Europe - Images A great animal

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The Circus Krone-one of the largest circuses in Europe - A great animal

Image Sr. Charles Krone toured with his pets among the Europe

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TAGS: The best circuses in the world, the most famous circuses, circus, the biggest circus in the world, the greatest circus of the world, the oldest circus, the most popular circus, Munich, Bavaria, The Circus Krone in Munich, The Circus Krone in Bavaria, the largest circuses in Europe, Sr. Charles Krone,the zoo "Continental", Charles Krone Jr., the king of the German circus, the Circus-Krone-Street, the world of wonders

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The circus tent has the area of over 3000 square meters Charles Krone was called “the king of the German circus" Sr. Charles Krone toured with his pets among the Europe It all started with a mobile zoo "Continental" Charles Krone Jr. founded the circus in 1905
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