
Map of Italy Friuli-Venezia Giulia Google maps

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On Italy

Country Name: Italy
Country FIPS104: IT
Country ISO2: IT
Country ISO3: ITA
Country ISON: 380
Country Internet: IT
Country Capital: Rome
Country Nationality Singular: Italian
Country Nationality Plural: Italians
Country Currency: Euro
Country Currency Code: EUR
Country Population: 57679825

Regions of Italy

Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle d'Aosta

Polls about Italy

Venezia Giulia wine

Venezia Giulia wine


Venezia Giulia wine - Best wines in Italy

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Delle Venezie wine

Delle Venezie wine


Delle Venezie wine - Best wines in Italy

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Alto Livenza wine

Alto Livenza wine


Alto Livenza wine - Best wines in Italy

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Lison-Pramaggiore wine

Lison-Pramaggiore wine


Lison-Pramaggiore wine - Best wines in Italy

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Friuli Latisana wine

Friuli Latisana wine


Friuli Latisana wine - Best wines in Italy

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Friuli Isonzo wine

Friuli Isonzo wine


Friuli Isonzo wine - Best wines in Italy

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Friuli Grave wine

Friuli Grave wine


Friuli Grave wine - Best wines in Italy

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Friuli Aquileia wine

Friuli Aquileia wine


Friuli Aquileia wine - Best wines in Italy

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Friuli Annia wine

Friuli Annia wine


Friuli Annia wine - Best wines in Italy

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Collio Goriziano wine

Collio Goriziano wine


Collio Goriziano wine - Best wines in Italy

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Colli Orientali of Friuli wine

Colli Orientali of Friuli wine


Colli Orientali of Friuli wine - Best wines in Italy

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Carso wine

Carso wine


Carso wine - Best wines in Italy

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Ramandolo wine

Ramandolo wine


Ramandolo wine - Best wines in Italy

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Miramare Castle in Trieste, Italy

Miramare Castle in Trieste, Italy


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