
The best monasteries to see in Moldova tag - Best Tourism best destinations


The most beautiful monasteries to visit in Moldova (Moldova - Meditation Tourism)

Hirjauca Monastery Hirjauca Monastery
  Hirjauca Monastery is situated in district Calarasi nearby the river with the same name. The researcher P.Crusevan says that the monastery was founded in 1740, and it a monastery of monks. It was founded nearby a spring with healing water in the forest on the nobleman Niculita’s estate. They built firstly wooden church with five towers named “Adormirea Maicii Domnului”.   During the time the monastery knows a lot of problems, but when the ruler Spiridon Filipovici lived here the pl...
Hancu Monastery Hancu Monastery
   In a very quiet and pitoresque place with an enigmatic atmosphere with  God’s blessing in 1678 started activity a new divine place-Hancu Monastery . The founder of this sacred monastery considers to be Mihalcea Hancu, a moldavian lord, who named the place in honor of his daughter Parascheva.   The monastery has a very interesting legend:  the lord Hancu needed a very big army to help him to discrown Gheorghe Duca who was the Moldova’s ruler in that time. Hancu was helped by Apostol ...
Capriana Monastery Capriana Monastery
   In a pitoresque forested area ,  40 km from Chisinau-is the oldest monasteries  in Moldova,  Capriana. It was established in 1429 and was for a long time the residence for Moldova’s Metropolitan. Staring with 1429 Capriana becomes a royal monastery where the most famous builders were working  and kept with generosity the spirituality of Romanian orthodoxy.   This monastic overall includes 3 churches, two-floor house, cells and outhouses. The monastery  many times suffered f...