
Map of Sweden Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Sweden

On Sweden

Country Name: Sweden
Country FIPS104: SW
Country ISO2: SE
Country ISO3: SWE
Country ISON: 752
Country Internet: SE
Country Capital: Stockholm
Country Nationality Singular: Swedish
Country Nationality Plural: Swedes
Country Currency: Swedish Krona
Country Currency Code: SEK
Country Population: 8875053

Regions of Sweden

Blekinge Lan
Gavleborgs Lan
Gotlands Lan
Hallands Lan
Jamtlands Lan
Jonkopings Lan
Kalmar Lan
Dalarnas Lan
Kronobergs Lan
Norrbottens Lan
Orebro Lan
Ostergotlands Lan
Sodermanlands Lan
Uppsala Lan
Varmlands Lan
Vasterbottens Lan
Vasternorrlands Lan
Vastmanlands Lan
Stockholms Lan
Skane Lan
Vastra Gotaland

Polls about Sweden

T-Centralen Station , Sweden, Stockholm

T-Centralen Station , Sweden, Stockholm


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Tree hotel, Sweden

Tree hotel, Sweden


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The Skansen Open Air Museum

The Skansen Open Air Museum


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The Vasa Museum

The Vasa Museum


The Vasa Museum - The most attractive places to visit in Stockholm

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The City Hall

The City Hall


The City Hall - The most attractive places to visit in Stockholm

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The Royal National City Park

The Royal National City Park


The Royal National City Park - The most attractive places to visit in Stockholm

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The Modern Art Museum

The Modern Art Museum


The Modern Art Museum - The most attractive places to visit in Stockholm

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The National Museum of Fine Arts

The National Museum of Fine Arts


The National Museum of Fine Arts - The most attractive places to visit in Stockholm

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The Royal Palace

The Royal Palace


The Royal Palace - The most attractive places to visit in Stockholm

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Gamla Stan (The Old Town)

Gamla Stan (The Old Town)


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Uppsala - The most spectacular Sweden cities

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Malmo - The most spectacular Sweden cities

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Gothenburg - The most spectacular Sweden cities

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Riksgransen in Sweden

Riksgransen in Sweden


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