
Map of Sudan Google maps

Google Map: Map with zoom and satellite view of Sudan

On Sudan

Country Name: Sudan
Country FIPS104: SU
Country ISO2: SD
Country ISO3: SDN
Country ISON: 736
Country Internet: SD
Country Capital: Khartoum
Country Nationality Singular: Sudanese
Country Nationality Plural: Sudanese
Country Currency: Sudanese Dinar
Country Currency Code: SDD
Country Population: 36080373

Regions of Sudan

A'ali an Nil
Al Khartum
Ash Shamaliyah
Al Babr al Ahmar
Al Buhayrat
Al Jazirah
Al Qadarif
Al Wahdah
An Nil al Abyad
An Nil al Azraq
Bahr al Jabal
Gharb al Istiwa'iyah
Gharb Bahr al Ghazal
Gharb Darfur
Gharb Kurdufan
Janub Darfur
Janub Kurdufan
Nahr an Nil
Shamal Bahr al Ghazal
Shamal Darfur
Shamal Kurdufan
Sharq al Istiwa'iyah

Polls about Sudan




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