Malaysia Malaysia holiday best destinations


Malaysia holiday best destinations

Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves, Malaysia

Batu Caves, Malaysia - The Most Beautiful Caves and Grottos of the World

Batu Caves are limestone caves which have a number of caves and cave temples, located in Gombak district, 13 km north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The name of the cave comes from Sungai Batu or the Batu River, which flows near the hill where the cave is located. Batu Caves is also the name of a nearby village. The Cave is one of the most popular Hindu shrines outside India, dedicated to the god M...

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The Penang Bridge

The Penang Bridge

The Penang Bridge - The Longest Bridges of the World

Today Asia opens new horizons, new possibilities and new cultures. On its territory there is a Pearl. This is the Pearl of Asia -Penang Island that is situated to the north-west of the Malay Peninsula. This is a Paradise. Go and admire God’s creations.   History   Despite the relatively modest size (about 300 sq km), t...

a bridge,a long bridge, an old bridge, an amazing bridge,The Penang Bridge, the Penang Bridge description, The Penang Bridge history,best tourism in Malaysia, historical heritage, a symbol of the paradise



Malaysia - The best countries in Asia

Total area: 329,847 km2 Population: 27,565,821 Density: 83.57/km2 Currency: Ringgit (RM) Official language(s): Bahasa Malaysia Capital: Kuala Lumpur[a] Governement: Federal constitutional elective monarchy and Federal parliamentary democracy Internet TLD: .my Calling code: +60     Malaysia is a country is Southeast Asia. South China Sea s...

Asia, countries in Asia, best countries in Asia, best Asian country, which is the best country to visit in Asia, what to visit in Asia, best places in Asia, Malaysia



Malaysia - The most beautiful countries in the world

   Malaysia is one of the stars of South-East Asia tourism, a nation that looks to the future preserving its past at the same time. Centuries of trade have led to a mixture of Malaysian, Chinese, Indian and indigenous tribal culture, a place that stirs the curiosity of visitors. Endless white beaches of tropical islands and coral sea are awaiting to be explored. Playful orangutans, the oldest rainforests in the world, skyscrapers from the cities, majestic temples and mosques will ...

Beautiful, country, Malaysia, tourism, travelling, exotic, visit

The Chrystal Mosque in Malaysia

The Chrystal Mosque in Malaysia

The Chrystal Mosque in Malaysia - The most beautiful mosque in the world

The Chrystal Mosque in Trengano is located in Almsadjadvi garden heritage in the region, Wen Man Island in the state of Trengano and has been built between the years of 2006-2008 at the order of Sultan Trenqano Mizan Zainal Abidin and officially inaugurated on the 8th of February 2008.   The mosque is located on the coast of the island-Cola Trengao and 500 km away from the the capital, Kuala Lumpur and located to the north-eastern ...

mosque, islam, Malaysia, architecture