Australia-the Australia-the holiday best destinations


Australia-the holiday best destinations

The Circus “Oz” of Australia-the most unusual circus

The Circus “Oz” of Australia-the most unusual circus

The Circus “Oz” of Australia-the most unusual circus - The best circuses in the world

The Circus "Oz" was founded in 1977 as a union of two successful Australian companies: the "Soap" circus and the New Circus. The principles underlying the philosophy of "Oz" are reflected in the troupe performances: joint ownership, collective creation, gender equality, the unique Australian style and work in a cohesive group. The founders of the circus loved the traditional circus ...

The best circuses in the world, the most famous circuses, circus, the biggest circus in the world, the greatest circus of the world, the oldest circus, the most popular circus, Australia, The Circus “Oz” in Australia, the most unusual circus, the "Soap" circus in Australia, the New Circus in Australia, funny circus, contemporary circus, pantomime theaters, international circus troupes, dynamic performance