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Damme - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Damme small town is situated on the river Zwin between Zeebrugge and Bruges. River mud has played an important role in increasing or fall Damme's between year 1180 until today. Damme city has many beautiful cafes and restaurants. Channel is superb ride and if you will walk through Damme will see many sculptures made by Charles Delporte representing some huge heads.     City of Damme, built between 1464-1468, is an excellent example of Gothic ar...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Damme

Palace of the Liberty

Palace of the Liberty

Palace of the Liberty - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Liberty Palace Bruges (Landhuis van het Vrije Brugse) took centuries more uses. After construction in 1525, the building was used as the Region Palace and after the second building was in 1725 became the Royal Court. Later the building became a tourist information point. Today, hosting national archive. The most important part of the building, is of course "Aldermann Room" with beautiful fireplace made of different materials: alabaster, marble and wood....

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Palace of Liberty

Diamond Museum

Diamond Museum

Diamond Museum - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Diamond Museum, the newest museum in the world diamond. Bruges is the city where diamond polishing was invented in the fifteenth century by Lodewijk van Berquem locals. Museum in Bruges offers visitors the unique experience within an imaginary workshop of Lodewijk van Berquem's a rare replica of the crown of Margaret of York which was handmade in Bruges, original equipment for mining, a model made exclusively on a scale of 1:1 the total amount of diamonds worldwide, grinding and c...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Diamand Museum

Bruges City Hall

Bruges City Hall

Bruges City Hall - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  City of Bruges was built between 1376 and 1420 and was among the first mayors in the Netherlands monument. Comprises six main facade and two Gothic windows of the city arms. The entrance hall is magnificent ceremonial staircase leading visitors to the first floor, where there is room Gothic (built between 1386 and 1401). This room was decorated with neo-Gothic paintings illustrating the most important events of history's Bruges....

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Bruges City Hall

Chocolate Museum

Chocolate Museum

Chocolate Museum - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Chocolate Museum is a tourist attraction which is arranged in the house "The Croon" Saint John the market. House "The Croon" dates from 1480 and was originally a tavern and later a bakery. The twentieth century has been used as general office work forces, police, school and municipal bank of Belgium. Chocolate lovers can find not only very interesting visit to this museum.     Here you can see various sculptures in chocolate...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Chocolate Museum

Belfort Tower

Belfort Tower

Belfort Tower - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Belfort Tower in Bruges is a tourist attraction that was built in XIII century. This tourist attraction in Bruges is not less than 88 meters high and houses the old treasure map of Bruges. If you decide to climb the 366 steps, you can admire the impressive clock mechanism which has 47 bells, each with different sounds and functions, and the climax is a panoramic view of the city from the top of the tower. Belfort Tower, Bruges is the central square is truly special....

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Belfort Tower

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Basilica of the Holy Blood

Basilica of the Holy Blood - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Church of the Holy Blood has a remnant of the holy blood of Jesus Christ. Legend says that after the crucifixion, St. Joseph of Arimathea, wiped the blood and body Savior kept his clothes. These clothes have left the Holy Land until the Second Crusade, when King of Jerusalem, Baldwin III, and gave the brother or the Count of Flanders, Diederik van de Elzas. Count Saviour brought clothes with blood on 7 April 1150 and placed her in a chapel he built a square Burg.  ...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Holy Blood Church

Gruuthuse Museum

Gruuthuse Museum

Gruuthuse Museum - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Gruuthuse Museum is the largest complex of museums in Bruges and is located in the house which belonged to Van Gruuthuse Brugghe-van der Aa. Gruut represent a mixture of flavors from which he used to make beer. Present collections of art and antiquities have been started in 1865 by the Archaeological Society in 1955 and Burges, Bruges city council won a collection and expanded.      Sculptural art - the collection consists of objects of di...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Gruuthuse Museum

Groeninge Museum

Groeninge Museum

Groeninge Museum - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

 Groening is a Landmark Museum in Bruges, also called fine arts museum, named after the field where his armies were defeated Flemish king of France in 1302. Museum collection was begun in XVIII century but the building was built between 1929 and 1930. Museum name was given after the street where, in 1302, Flemish army troops defeated French king.     Museum's collection includes works belonging artists who lived or worked in Bruges. Largest artwork in...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, Groeninge Museum

Historical Centre of Bruges

Historical Centre of Bruges

Historical Centre of Bruges - The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium

  Bruges City Centre is part of UNESCO heritage. Historical city center has been carefully built since the Middle Ages and is remarkably preserved today. The city can tell their own story through all the monuments, churches, historic buildings and markets. Bruges site is an example of medieval settlement, which has preserved original buildings of centuries, and Gothic buildings are part of the city identity. As one of the commercial and cultural capitals of Europe, Brugge developed ...

Top places to visit in Bruges, best places to visit in Bruges, best attractions in Bruges, top places in Bruges, places to go and see in Bruges, Belgium, visit Bruges, Bruges, trip to Bruges, top 10 places in Bruges, travel to Bruges, City Centre of Bruge

Casale Crespi

Casale Crespi

Casale Crespi - The best villas in Tuscany with pool

   Set in a lush Tuscan typical setting rich in olive groves and vineyards, Casale Crespe offers excellent landscape views for those who choose to spend here their holiday. Besides, the amenities provided in the house will meet all needs of comfort and relaxation. It is also an ideal starting point to explore Chianti, Florence and Arezzo. It sleeps up to 13 people.      More details at ...

Villa, Tuscany, rent, accommodation, holiday, villa in Tuscany, luxury villa, best accommodation, vacation, house, modern, luxurious villa, Tuscan villa, villa with pool, Villa in Salutio, Villa in Tuscany, rent villa, Tuscany rental



Plaka - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  Plaka is the historic district of Athens, north of the Acropolis, near Monastiraki districts - bohemian - and Thissio. Here you can see more nineteenth-century neoclassical buildings restored pedestriene you can walk the streets, visit shops, restaurants and historical sites Romanian era. Plaka district boundaries are not specific but can be identified: Ancient Agora in Monastiraki and Plateia west Dhionysiou Areopayitou Acropolis and south street, Temple of Zeus and Leoforos Amal...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Plaka



Piraeus - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  Port of Piraeus is Greece's largest port. It was built during the reign Temistocles, when the city walls were built (Ch D. 478 year), and the town was built by architect Hippodamus. He quickly gained importance when Athens became a naval power. Piraeus port covers a distance of 8 km southwest of the Acropolis, hence leaving many Greek ferryboats.     Piraeus is composed of three ports of the "Grand Port" is the largest being loca...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Piraeus

Dionysos Theatre

Dionysos Theatre

Dionysos Theatre - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  Theater of Dionysus, built in a natural hollow in the south of the Acropolis, was the first theater in the world is the birth stone and Greek tragedy.     Original place of the revered god Dionysus, god of wine and fertility, in dance and song in the fifth century, songs like Aeschylus, Sofocles, Euripides and Aristophanes were played here. The theater was built in less moving stages, each contributing to the development of drama in the fourth ...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Dionysos Theatre

Poseidon Temple

Poseidon Temple

Poseidon Temple - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  Construction of Temple of Poseidon, god of the sea, started the year 500 but i Ch monument was never finished. Temple and its attractions were destroyed by the Persians in the fist year i Ch 480 Temple of Poseidon that you can visit today was built on the site of ruins of another temple. At the same time it was built and Temple of Athena, the goddess of the place where he was given sanctuary.      The sanctuary began to dry I pulled down M...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Poseidon Temple

Benaki Museum

Benaki Museum

Benaki Museum - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  Benaki Museum is the oldest private museum is a monument of Greece and Greek culture and art. Neoclassical building located at street intersection Vasilissis Koubari Sofias and was built between 1867-1868 by Ioannis Peroglou merchant. Villa Charokopos, as was known, was sold in 1910 that changed his Emmanouil Benakis house according to his needs and the family. Changes in assumed an increased entry and a luxurious interior. Between 1929 and 1931, the house was again changed, addin...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Benaki Museum

National Archaeological Museum

National Archaeological Museum

National Archaeological Museum - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  National Archaeological Museum hosts the most important artifacts from various locations in Greece. National Archaeological Museum in Athens is the largest museum in Greece and one of the largest museums in the world. 20,000 exhibits its collections include providing a panorama of Greek civilization from the prehistoric era to the early Late Antique period.      The museum is located in an imposing neoclassical building at the end of centu...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, National Archaeological Museum

The Temple of Zeus

The Temple of Zeus

The Temple of Zeus - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

  Temple of Zeus at Olympia, known as the Oplympeion, Amalias Street is located at 500 meters southeast of the Acropolis and Emtriva 700 south of Syntagma Square. Foundation belongs to a temple that was dedicated to the tyrant Pisistratus in the year 515 but i Ch canf works were abandoned son of Pisistratus, Hippias was removed from the throne in the year 510 Ch i.      The construction of the temple of Zeus were performed in dry Ch III died...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Temple of Zeus

Ancient Agora

Ancient Agora

Ancient Agora - The best places to visit in Athens, Greece

   Agora was the center of ancient Athens, the center of political, commercial, administrative and social justice, a religious center and the settlement. Place was taken without interruption in all periods of history of the city. It was used as a residential area late Neolithic era (3000 Ch i). At the beginning of XI century, the Agora became a public area.      After repairs and restorations, reached the century rectangular II I. Ch. R...

Top places to visit in Athens, best places to visit in Athens, best attractions in Athens, top places in Athens, places to go and see in Athens, Greece, visit Athens, Athens, trip to Athens, top 10 places in Athens, travel to Athens, Agora

Rembrandt Square

Rembrandt Square

Rembrandt Square - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

   Rembrandt Square was formerly the butter market. Built in 1668, this market is currently decorated with pubs, restaurants, cafes and hotels attract tourists like a magnet, especially the young. The market is known especially for its night life: many traditional pubs where you can enjoy authentic Dutch music. In summer, the terraces are full of people who enjoy a drink and look around them. The market center is a small and lovely park where you can relax and pay homage to the mast...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Rembrandt Square

Artis Zoo Amsterdam

Artis Zoo Amsterdam

Artis Zoo Amsterdam - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe Artis Zoo Amsterdam - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  Artis Zoo Founded in 1838 is still as charming as now nearly two centuries. Zoo is not only an oasis in the midst of a very hectic city, but sheltered and over 700 species and 200 tree species more endangered. Artis Zoo is one of the few zoos in Europe has so many interesting buildings or perimeter. Among them stands the Grand Museum (1855), only the library building (1867) and Aquarium (1882).     In the Aquarium you can see creatures living i...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Artis Zoo Amsterdam

Vondel Park

Vondel Park

Vondel Park - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  Vondel Park is Amsterdam's largest park and one of the most popular parks in the Netherlands, a sight that can not be missed on vacation in Amsterdam. Vondel Park is visited year over 10 million people. It is located near the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh Museum.      Vondel Park Amsterdam but is loved by residents and tourists, and summer is filled with people especially during summer when everyone enjoy pleasurable moments of relaxation i...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Vondel Park

Albert Cuyp Market

Albert Cuyp Market

Albert Cuyp Market - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

   Albert Cuyp Market is best known and busiest outdoor market in Europe. This market attracts thousands of visitors each day and is especially popular on Saturdays. There are over 300 booths furnished with goods ranging from fresh produce - vegetables, fruit - in clothing and other oddities. Prices in this market are the lowest in Amsterdam. Albert Cuyp market is located in the Pijp district and is surrounded by lots of lovely cafes and tiny shops....

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Albert Cuyp Market

Amsterdam Channels

Amsterdam Channels

Amsterdam Channels - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  Due to its numerous canals, Amsterdam has been called "the Venice of the North". For this reason, a trip to Amsterdam is not complete without a boat ride channels. A tour of the channels can be fascinating and relaxing during the day, but lovely and romantic at night when most homes and bridges are illuminated in different colors. The town is crossed by four main channels namely: Prinsen (Prinsengracht - Channel Princess), Heren, Keizers and Singel. Also, there are numer...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Amsterdam Channels

Royal Palace

Royal Palace

Royal Palace - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

   Royal Palace in Amsterdam is located in Amsterdam's Dam Square in the center. It was originally built to serve as building the mayor and magistrates of Amsterdam. In the seventeenth century was the largest building in Europe. Royal Palace in Dam Square is one of three palaces in the Dutch State has provided to the Queen by a decision of parliament. The palace is used mainly for official events, visits at the highest level, special receptions and reception on the occasion of New Y...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Royal Palace

Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh Museum - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  A visit to Van Gogh museum is a unique experience during a vacation in Amsterdam. The museum contains the largest collection of paintings of Van Gogh in the world. The exhibit allows visitors to observe closely the evolution of the artist or compare his paintings with other artists of the nineteenth century. The museum also offers its visitors and other art exhibitions on various topics of the nineteenth century.     Van Gogh Museum's permanent...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum

Madame Tussauds Museum

Madame Tussauds Museum

Madame Tussauds Museum - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  The museum Madame Tussauds wax figures in Amsterdam, is like that of London, where you can shoot with Marilyn Monroe, Arnold Schwarzenegger or Oprah Winfrey. Museum offers visitors a more interactive and Music Zone where you can play with your favorite stars.     Wax Museum is located in Dam Square and is a fun and impressive museum like the Museum of London mother. Museum in Amsterdam is actually a branch of the well-known London museum, who h...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Madam Tussauds Museum

Red Light District

Red Light District

Red Light District - The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands

  Red district of Amsterdam is a major tourist attraction of Amsterdam. Is known as the "Walletjes. It consists of a network of paths which are a large number of small room rented especially for women who offer their services behind a special glass or glass doors, these rooms are usually decorated with red lights. The whole area has a predominantly air entertainment for adults, is full of entertainment for adults, sexual accessories stores, adult movie theaters and a sex museum...

Top places to visit in Amsterdam, best places to visit in Amsterdam, best attractions in Amsterdam, top places in Amsterdam, places to go and see in Amsterdam, Netherlands, visit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, trip to Amsterdam, Red Light District



Aqualand - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

  Aqualand Aqua Park is one that mimics a Caribbean island in the Adriatic region: a combination of good humor, fun, extreme sports and aquatic games. A relaxing oasis providing entertainment for those special places that want to spend some unforgettable hours.     Aqualand offers guests many joys and happy events: Latin American dancing, water aerobics, diving lessons and many shows performed on stage in the shape of a pirate ship, 30 meters lon...

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, top 10 places in Venice, travel to Venice, Aqualand

Basilica Santa Maria della Salute

Basilica Santa Maria della Salute

Basilica Santa Maria della Salute - The most beautiful churches of Italy Basilica Santa Maria della Salute - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

   On one of the banks of Grand Channel, in the seventeenth century, one of the most beautiful churches in Venice, Santa Maria della Salute, was built. A symbolic image of the floating city, it appears in many documentaries about the Venetian architecture but also in many paintings made by famous artists such as Michele Marieschi, Francesco Guardi, John Singer Sargent, Walter Sickert and, of course, Canaletto.    After the plague of 1630, which is said to have ki...

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, top 10 places in Venice, Basilica Santa Maria della Salute

Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge

Rialto Bridge - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

  Rialto Bridge is the oldest bridge over the Grand Canal and probably best known in town. It was built between 1588 and 1591 and was the only way to walk cross the channel in 1854 when the Bridge Academy was built.     Rialto Bridge is 7.5 meters high and covers three ways to go. Two sides and a railing along the middle lane that serves as a space for retailers that sell various jewelry, blades, Murano glass and other items for tourists....

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, top 10 places in Venice, travel to Venice, Rialto Bridge

San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore

San Giorgio Maggiore - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

  San Giorgio Maggiore Island Venice is one of them located south of the main island. Channel Island is surrounded by Della Grazia, Canal della Giudecca, San Marco Basin, Canal di San Marco and south of Laguna.     The island was probably occupied during the Roman occupation and was named Memmi Island (owned by a family). Since 829 was a church dedicated to St. George (San Giorgio). San Giorgio Monastery was founded in 982 when the Doge Tribuno M...

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, top 10 places in Venice, travel to Venice, San Giorgio Maggiore

Ca' d'Oro

Ca' d'Oro

Ca' d'Oro - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

  Ca 'd'Oro is the most beautiful castle of the Grand Canal. The palace was built between 1428 and 1430 for the Contarini family, who were part of eight crack between 1043 and 1676. After the election, each doge was to leave his palace and move to Doges Palace. Main facade on the Grand Canal was built in Venetian Gothic style floral. In this style were built Palace Giustiniani Barbaro Palace.     Lodge Downstairs access a channel directly from th...

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, top 10 places in Venice, travel to Venice, Ca' d'Oro

Doges Palace

Doges Palace

Doges Palace - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

  Doges Palace in Venice is a superb example of Venetian Gothic architecture. He served as Senate, administrative center, courthouse, public archive and prison until 1797 when the Venetian republic fell.     First built in the ninth century, Doges Palace was rebuilt several times but since 1340, with the construction of Hall Councils, really began to take shape. Doges City Election was private and lasted 1000 years since 697 till 1789. Council Ha...

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, top 10 places in Venice, travel to Venice, Doges Palace

Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari - The best places to visit in Venice, Italy

  Church of Santa Maria gloriosa dei Frari - the largest church in Venice and is in the middle of San Polo district. Imposing edifice is built of bricks in the Italian Gothic style.     Just as many Venetian churches, the exterior is simple, free prints and only the wall of wood inside the choir. Originally built in XIII century church of Santa Maria gloriosa dei Frari Venice is home to many masterpieces such as "Madonna with child and saint...

Top places to visit in Venice, best places to visit in Venice, best attractions in Venice, top places in Venice, places to go and see in Venice, Italy, visit Venice, Venice, trip to Venice, Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari