road road holiday best destinations pag 2


road holiday best destinations pag 2

Canton Avenue

Canton Avenue

Canton Avenue - The Steepest Roads in the World

Canton Avenue, located in the Beechview neighborhood of Pittsburgh, is considered the steepest street in the United States, featuring a maximum gradient of 37 %.  Canton Avenue represents a short cobbled street  attains a whopping 37%, or 20.3°, gradient, being the steepest public road in the United States and probably  in the whole world. Though only one-tenth of a mile long, for every 100 feet there is a 37-foot elevation gai...

roads, streets, avenues, steep streets, steep roads, steep hills, steep avenues,the steepest roads in the world, the steepest avenues in the world, the most steep streets in the world, fantastic steep streets in the world, amazing steep avenues, the steepest hills in the world, unique steep roads in the world, Canton Avenue in Pittsburg, Baldwin Street in Dunedin, New Zeeland, Waipio Valley Road in Hawaii, Fargo Street in Los Angeles, Baxter Street in Los Angeles, Eldred Street in Los Angeles, Short description of the Canton Avenue in Pittsburg, Pennsylvanya

New Delhi

New Delhi

New Delhi - The best capital cities in the world

Description   New Delhi is not only the capital of India, but in conjunction with the old district of Delhi it is one of the largest cities in the world with a wide variety of attractions. The city is rich in temples of different religion. The temples are located very close to each other, creating sometimes a unique contrast. This city is compared to the mausoleum, ...

best capital cities in the world, most fashionable capital cities in the world,best capital cities to visit in the world, best capital cities to live in, best cities, most impressive capital cities, most important capital cities in the world,New Delhi,India, History of New Delhi, Extraordinary Attractions in New Delhi, Humayun's Tomb in New Delhi, Taj Mahal Agra in India, Mughal architecture, India Gate in New Delhi, Connaught Place in New Delhi, Qutub Minar in New Delhi, the mosque Kuwata-ul-Islam Masjid in New Delhi, International Toilet Museum in New Delhi, Indira Gandhi Memorial Museum in New Delhi, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Nehru Memorial Museum and Planetarium in New Delhi, Teen Murti Bhavan in New Delhi, Mosque Jama Masjid in New Delhi, Crafts Museum in New Delhi, National Zoological Park in New Delhi, Underground Reptile Centre in New Delhi, National Museum in New Delhi, the Mauryan Empire, the Silk Road, Jantar Mantar Observatory in New Delhi, Rajput in New Delhi, the way of kings, Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi, Red Fort in New Delhi, The Gates of Lahore in New Delhi, Nubat Khan in New Delhi, Tibet House in New Delhi, Dalai Lama, House Khas in New Delhi, The Moth Ki Masjid in New Delhi, Lotus Temple in New Delhi, Bahai Temple, Chandni Chowk in New Delhi, Naya Bazaar in New Delhi, Market Gadodial in New Delhi

Road of Death in Bolivia

Road of Death in Bolivia

Road of Death in Bolivia - Places NOT to visit before you die Road of Death in Bolivia - Best destinations for thrill seekers

  Road of Death or Yungas Road is a road about 61 kilometers, connecting the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, and the town of Coroico, Yungas region, the Bolivian Amazon. Famous for the extreme conditions in which traffic occurs, the road was declared in 1995 as "the most dangerous road in the world", making between 200 and 300 victims. The highway includes a single lane (generally not exceeding width 3.5 meters), is paved, muddy on rainy days devening (often being located in a...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Yungas Road