The most expensive designer boutiques of Madison Avenue in the crowded fashion discount stores (so-called basement fashion shops) and stalls with "quality replicas" (another way of saying fake) on Channel Street, from electronics to rare books, New York has it all. Manhattan mega-stores - Saks Fifth Avenue, Bloomingdales, Neiman Marcus, Bergdorf Goodman, Nordstrom, Barneys - delivers everything you could imagine, each floor is dedicated: 1 - Accessories: 2 - shoes and d...
Shopping destinations, shops, money, tourism, travelling, clothing, fashion, New York
Niagara Falls is one of the most spectacular natural miracles of the North American continent. Niagara Falls is a waterfall assembly located on the border between northern state of New York and Ontario in Canada. Lake Erie is connected with Lake Ontario via the Niagara River with a difference of 58 m, the water being separated into two arms of the Island "Goat Island" (Goats Island). On the North American waterfall has a width of 363 m water waterfall fall from 21 meters...
Waterfalls, beautiful, river, water, amazing, landscape, panoramic, Niagara, Canada, USA, New York, Ontario
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