Destinations / The best places to visit in Athens, Greece / Plaka
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Plaka is the historic district of Athens, north of the Acropolis, near Monastiraki districts - bohemian - and Thissio. Here you can see more nineteenth-century neoclassical buildings restored pedestriene you can walk the streets, visit shops, restaurants and historical sites Romanian era. Plaka district boundaries are not specific but can be identified: Ancient Agora in Monastiraki and Plateia west Dhionysiou Areopayitou Acropolis and south street, Temple of Zeus and Leoforos Amalias in south-east, the west side of Cathedral Street and North Mitropoleos .
Attractions you can visit Plaka are: Agora Romanian - Roman Forum and Hadrian's Library, Ancient Agora, Benaki Museum, Kanellopoulos Museum, Museum of Greek Popular Musical Instruments Museum of Greek Folk Art Museum Kydathineon Street Children.
Plaka is often called "Quarter of the gods" in Greek literature, as it separates "sacred rock of the gods" - the Acropolis. For the Greeks, Plaka holds an important place - was once the working class district and movies from years 1950 to 1960 led to frame houses and winding streets of Plaka. Most important gains during Carnival, while thousands of Greeks Masked Plaka roam the streets, throwing confetti.
Here was born the new wave of Greek music in the 60s. In small clubs called boites - Gianni's Esperides Argiris, George Apanemia Zographos, or Gianni's Zygos Hatzis - have voiced music composers inspired by French siitalian currents of the time.
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By Maria Morari
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