
Destinations / The Best Places for a Safari in Africa / Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya


Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya


Kenya is the most popular country for a safari, Masai Mara and the reservation is the most popular wildlife sanctuary in Kenya. From October to July you can witness a grand seasonal migration of millions of wild beasts and zebras. It is also possible to go on a cultural tour of the Masai tribe of habitats, it will definitely expand your horizons. Masai Mara is one of the most popular Kenyan parks. It is located at 270 kilometers from Nairobi. The Masai Mara is called the Kingdom of Lions, the population of lions in the park is the largest in all of Kenya. Also, the area of the park is the ancestral land of the ancient tribe of the Masai. This is a unique example of coexistence of humans and wildlife. Geographically, the Masai Mara is an extension of one of the best in the world of the Tanzanian Serengeti National Park, Nature Reserve situated between the Great Rift Valley and Lake Victoria. On the area of 1510 square kilometers beautifully co-exist a lot of animals, birds and reptiles. The fauna of the park is unusually rich. The park is home to over 80 species of mammals and 450 species of birds. Here you can find all the representatives of the "Big Five African" (lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinos, elephants). A lot of hippopotamuses and crocodiles are found in the rivers. Those who wish to become acquainted with the indigenous people of Kenya - Masai, will be able to visit their village. The people of nomadic herders managed to maintain their traditions and culture, and they still do not recognize the achievements of modern civilization. Since ancient times, the most valuable for Masaya are the cattle. This defines the nomadic tribe, and the boundaries between the territories of today, they do not recognize. They consider themselves masters of their land. Through the reserve tracks, big migrations of animals take place. From July to September, visitors can see the famous "Great Migration" of huge masses of ungulates, when the animals move with spaces Serengeti savannah Masai Mara in search of better pastures. During the migration, the animals moved to a steady stream, stopping at no obstacles, that is truly spectacular. Try to see the park with a bird's eye, its vast landscapes, acacia forests, rapid rivers and Talek Maar, the mountains, the elephants at the watering herds of gazelles .You can have an unforgettable trip in a balloon. In the souvenir shops you can buy household items, crafts and arts crafts in Masai. Masai Mara is located in the Kenyan part of the Serengeti Plains. This reserve is quite large, as an area of 1510 square kilometers and is located 390 km from Nairobi (the capital of Kenya). The reserve is located high above the earth at an altitude of 1650 m. The reserve consists of three ecosystems, each of which is very much in their area A lot of impala and rhinoceroses live in bushes. However, predators around the reserve, regardless of the ecosystem, still prefer the forest of acacias, because there are very dense thickets. If you want to see how people lived here before, you should visit the village called the May sale. Guides will show you the homes where people lived before, talk and teach you how to shoot a bow. If you visit the Masai Mara Reserve in August or September, you will see a magnificent spectacle, because in this period, 1.3 million of wild beasts migrate, and with them the whole country is in migration. 200 thousand zebras, gazelles, and 500 thousand and all predators are migrating. You can see herds of animals while this journey. The Masai Mara is famous for its predators, it is only in this nature reserve well for them to observe and get a lot of pleasant experiences.

The Naivasha Lake

Lake Naivasha is located in the Masai Mara Reserve. The lake is located in the western part (80 km) from the capital city of Kenya. Naivasha comes from the volcano and is located at an altitude of 1880 m. The lake is just great, its area is of 170 square kilometers. But depending on the rainfall area of the lake it varies and reaches 991 square kilometers. If the wind is very large, the storm that occurs on the surface of Lake Naivasha, commensurate with the sea waves. Mountains and volcanoes, which died out long ago are around. This is where a lot of birds of many species live. And what is most surprising is the fact that you can watch them at close range. In these circles are many migratory birds and is between October and March when they migrate to the best territories. Eagle-fisherman, storks, pelicans, herons and cormorants can be seen near. When you arrive at the reserve, be sure to learn about the wonderful world of birds, which will open before you.


The Masai Mara is also an island which is called Kreskent. It was due to an underwater volcano and in spite of this, many residents of the reserve live there. If you want to feel like in the wild, you should just order a boat that will take you exactly to the island. Enjoy a variety of wild animals, namely, zebras, antelopes, gazelles and maybe even buffalo. Every year , Masai Mara is more and more updated with different plants, birds and animals. All the territory, which is located near Lake Naivasha is a national park.

Others The Best Places for a Safari in Africa .

The best places for a safari in Africa include wildlife parks in Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia and Gabon.
If you are looking for the best safari where you are almost guaranteed to see the "big five" most popular animals (big five most popular types of animals: lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinos and elephants), then you cannot be wrong if you choose these places.
If you plan to go on a safari in Africa, we know that there are many aspects that you need to take note: for example, what animals you want to look at, what is the best time to go and do, what type of safari you prefer with all the amenities , camping, traveling, economy-camp - there are plenty to choose from.
The first thing you need to decide on what animal you want to watch.
Mammals, birds, reptiles or The Big Five most popular animals are: lions, leopards, buffaloes, rhinos and elephants.
If you want to see these animals during a trip, then you should go to Masai Mara, Kenya, Kruger National Park, South Africa or Serengeti National Park, Tanzania.
If you're interested to see gorillas, we would advise you to go to Rwanda, Uganda and Gabon.
If you work inspired by Jane Goodall and prefer to see chimpanzees, then you certainly need to visit Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania.
Enough to see a lot of elephants, a better place than the Okavango Delta, Botswana is not found.
To see the king of beasts- the lions, go to the Serengeti and protected areas Ngor, Ngorongo Conservation Area, South Africa - this is the best place to admire the lions.
In southern Africa, it is deserved to be mentioned South Luangwa National Park, as it is full of lions that live there more freely than in other places, equipped for tourists.
To see the black rhino is not easy, but still you have a chance to see him briefly in the Etosha National Park, Kruger National Park and in the Chobe National Park.
The huge number of hippos and crocodiles are in lakes and rivers of east and southern Africa.
More than anything I've seen them in a canoe safari in the Zambezi River, which flows between Zimbabwe and Zambia.
Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania and the Liwonde National Park in Malawi, also offer good conditions to observe hippos and crocodiles, but beware, these animals are extremely dangerous.
If the bird-watching is your passion, then you will be pleased to know that in Eastern and Southern Africa are available bird safari to view birds.
  You must decide for yourself how close you want to get to the wildlife in Africa.
If you do not like watching the wildlife out of the SUV, then do not despair - there are plenty of alternative methods.
Safari on elephants The best offer on the back of an elephant safari is of Abu Camp in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
Also, several of these trips are available in Zimbabwe, but throughout the safari.
Since elephants usually make their way to the desert, you may not much be watching, but the impression received from the fact that you are sitting high up on this huge beast, is definitely worth it.
Safari on foot If you're in good shape and love the thrill, then go on a safari on foot.
Guides will tell you many interesting things while walking, but because you are on your feet, you can do well close to the species, smells and sounds of African nature.
Safari on a mountain bike A great option for cycling for enthusiasts, this safari will make you experience the excitement, to show their flexibility! Canoe Safari Swimming along the Zambezi river among hippos and crocodiles, camping under the stars to the sounds of lions roaring in the night, crossing the river the spectacle of elephants - that's what a safari in a canoe.
It's magical.
Balloon Safaris It is rather expensive, but once in life itself, you can afford.
It's an unforgettable experience.
Safari on the ball offers the largest national parks.
The best place for it is in Serengeti Plains, where you can watch from the height the annual migration of wildebeest.
Passengers are treated to traditional hot air balloon with champagne.
Safari on a camel The advantage of traveling on a camel is that your guides are likely to be Aboriginal.
It's not so attracting like on a horse, but is funny and romantic.
Safari on horseback You can arrange the race for the zebras and antelopes! It is memorable, but you have to be completely healthy and have a great experience rider to take advantage of this safari.
Safari - Hunt If you want to go to Africa, not only to film by camera, but to use the gun to do a lot of options.
You will be able to bring the trophy to your living room.
  Having selected the type of safari you're interested in, the next step is the selection of service levels in the safari .
From the list of the categories below, you can pick up a luxury, the usual safari, or something in between.
Traditional (mobile) safari tent The mobile camp moves with you from one location to another.
The camp is usually broken down for you in advance and is convenient of the level that you have chosen.
As a rule, in the camp you will have hot water shower, gourmet food and lots of servants, ready to meet your needs.
If you prefer to follow in the footsteps of Hemingway, this type of safari is for you.
Mobile safari is nice because you can get into more remote areas the African savannah.
Recommendations : Nomad Safari Guides : Tentage safari in Tanzania.
Abercrombie & Kent : Try their famous tour of Kenya Hemingway Safari.
Outback Africa : general camping safari.
Safari tours As a rule, you'll travel on a group of SUVs or pickup.
The itinerary of the safari is drawn up in every single day, you'll know it in advance.
It includes food, accommodation, leisure pastime.
There will be a guide who will help you throughout the safari and negotiate various issues.
Safari tours are a wonderful thing if you do not want too much difficulty during the trip.
The guides are usually well chosen, well-informed, which makes it possible to travel to more remote areas of Africa.
Recommendations : Taga Safari : Safari offers excellent tours in Malawi.
Explore Tanzania : A good example of a seven-day safari tours at reasonable prices.
Botswana Explorer : Chic guided tour that includes a walk to the best parks in Botswana and Victoria Falls at night.
Safari Package (a complete solution for safari) This species is similar to the safari tours, tour package offers you a definite route with accommodation and meals, but you are not traveling in a group.
All of your reservation will be made for you, so you do not have to worry about anything, in all other aspects you are the independent traveler.
Safari Package is a good option for those who choose to go to Africa for the first time, and for those who are limited financially, as these tours often cost little cheaper than others.
Recommendations : Kenya Discovery Tour: an eight-round package of top-notch Kenyan wildlife parks.
Northern Tanzania: a two-week tour of national parks in Tanzania and Mount Kilimanjaro.
The Luangwa Explorer Safari: the best tour in the South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, includes foot safari.
Independent safari by car If you actually choose to plan your trip, take a car and drive on the reserve, which you will choose! Not bad, of course, pre-study, and perhaps to copy an existing route that you like.
Parks usually are fairly remote places, so bring your extra supplies of food, water and fuel.
It is necessary to use the services of a tour agency or a tour operator to book a room and a car in advance.
Independent safaris are suitable for South Africa, Botswana and Namibia, but for countries like Zambia and Malawi, where infrastructure is poorly developed , a lack of gas stations and roads, an independent safari cannot be called a good choice.
Of course, if you do not find a fun ride, consisting of a detour on the road potholes the size of a truck, people, goats and dogs.
Otherwise, it is better to travel in these countries buying the tour.
Recommendations : Wildlife Africa: tours by car in South Africa.
Namibian Org.
: Enjoy Namibia at a time when you want it and at a pace which you can.
Safari Drive Car cover safari tours in several African countries, particularly in Kenya.
Safari with the arrival on site For absolute convenience, the operator of a charter flight can throw you right in the park.
These kinds of safaris allow you to visit the reservation and parks, which are not accessible by road offering a trip into the wild life as it once was.
Moving by air also saves time that can be spent on land and allows you to not spend a moment in vain and you can enjoy views of wildlife.
Recommendations : South Africa Fly-in safaris: a huge number of options available, including the Kruger National Park.
Skeleton Coast, Namibia: Experience the shipwreck in the desert, it's a little scary, but exciting at the same time.
On this tour you will not see much wildlife around.
Botswana Fly-in safaris: A good way to quickly move and visit some of the best parks, accessible only by air.

Images of Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - The Best Places for a Safari in Africa

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Frightful animal on the tree
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Frightful animal on the tree

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - A journey to the wild
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - A journey to the wild

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Haunting look
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Haunting look

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Gazelle
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Gazelle

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Elephants sightseeing
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Elephants sightseeing

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Huge elephants
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Huge elephants

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Famous park
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Famous park

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Wildlife
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Wildlife

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Rhinoceros
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Rhinoceros

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Proud lion
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Proud lion

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - The kings of animals
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - The kings of animals

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Landscape
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Landscape

Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Romance
Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya - Romance