
World Tourism / The Cleanest Places in the World / Fiordland National Park


Fiordland National Park


Located at the southern tip of New Zealand's west coast, the park encompasses beautiful landscapes and wild surprises. The mountains are covered with tropical forests. Because it is the largest park in New Zealand, the park is an attraction for those who practice hunting and fishing, or for those who want to collect the precious stones that are hidden in this beautiful area. The region brings clean air currents from Antarctica, which makes the park to be one of the cleanest places on the planet. Fiordland National Park, the largest in New Zealand has an area over 12,500 square kilometers. The country of fjords basically constitutes of mountains. They are a continuation of the Southern Alps and their height reaches 3000 meters. In the past, this area was covered with a huge glacier, which is melting, cut up the slopes of the mountain range, deep gorges, forming many picturesque bays, fjords, and long, narrow lakes.


New Zealand Mother Nature has generously endowed beauty. And the best and most beautiful landscapes of New Zealand are concentrated here - in the Land of Fjords. Everyone who gets in these parts for the first time is amazed. It seems that even today any man's foot stepped on this earth. A feature of the coast of Fiordland is that the rocks forming the coves go into the water sharply and it seems that the place to find the landing is simply not possible. Another feature of these places is surprisingly the close proximity of the forest with glaciers. Another place where the southern beech, laurel, myrtle is so closely side by side with a snow-crystal layer of ice, perhaps cannot be found on the Earth.

Others The Cleanest Places in the World .

Do you have time and money and you want to get acquainted with one of the cleanest places on the planet? Do you want to get acknowledged with some other cultures, experience a lot of adventures and at the same time equally relax? Then, travel to one of the cleanest places on the Earth.
This trip is suitable for lovers of beautiful landscapes and cultural values and anyone would be happy to spend little more money on luxury accommodation and excellent food.
  Embark on an unforgettable beauty - hidden waterfalls, majestic cliffs, magnificent coves and bays.
Many places on this planet have their special charm and amaze with breathtaking scenery.
If you're tired of noisy places and pollution and want to recharge your batteries with positive energies it's worth trying something totally different.
  Tourists worldwide are increasingly interested in the environmental performance of the countries and resorts where they will spend their holidays.
Therefore, there are some places considered the cleanest on the Earth.
Let’s discover these places and find out most interesting facts about them.
Every traveler who visits one of these places can see the beauty of this land, the wonders of nature and its unique landscapes of its kind.
Be amazed of the beauty and the accuracy of the places which are a real treasure of Mother Nature and enchant our souls and eyes.

Images of Fiordland National Park, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Fiordland National Park - The Cleanest Places in the World

Fiordland  National Park - Heavenly place
Fiordland National Park - Heavenly place

Fiordland  National Park - Amazing attraction
Fiordland National Park - Amazing attraction

Fiordland  National Park - Endowed beauty
Fiordland National Park - Endowed beauty

Fiordland  National Park - Fascinating place
Fiordland National Park - Fascinating place

Fiordland  National Park - Picturesque view
Fiordland National Park - Picturesque view

Fiordland  National Park - Fantastic place
Fiordland National Park - Fantastic place

Fiordland  National Park - Beautiful landscape
Fiordland National Park - Beautiful landscape

Fiordland  National Park - Amazing view
Fiordland National Park - Amazing view