
Destinations / The Best Lagoons in the World / Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska


Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska


Kasegaluk Lagoon represents a splendid coastal lagoon beautifully rising up in the western part  of Alaska. This coastal lagoon system is the largest in Arctic Alaska and features the greatest aggregations of beluga whales, spotted seals and black brant that live along Alaska’s Chukchi Sea Coast. Kasegaluk Lagoon attracts a greater richness and diversity of avian species than any other Arctic Alaska lagoon system could ever attract. The lagoon includes a large variety of seabird colonies, and it is a beautiful and significant nesting area for common eider, which is an important resource for subsistence hunters. The fantastic lagoon is particularly important to the Pacific black brant for molting and fall staging. Polar bears can be admired near the lagoon, and grizzly bears often come at the lagoon to feed on marine mammal carcasses. Just east of the lagoon, in the vicinity of Point Lay, the visitors can see a high-density waterbird nesting site. Maximum depth of the lagoon is less than 4 meters, but much of the area is just 1-2 meters deep. The lagoon is carefully protected from the Chukchi Sea by a series of barrier islands and is fed by five major rivers.  It offers excellent ocean kayaking and wildlife watching,making the area a veritabe destination for water sport lovers. This lagoon is  an incredible place, that offers spectacular landscapes, where the visitors are suprised and truly fascinated by the picturesque beauty of the nature.



Others The Best Lagoons in the World .


Probably one of the most overwhelming attractions for tourists are the lagoons,  some exotic destinations, that have fascinated people everywhere.
These  small pieces of paradise have been admired  on countless  occasions in various movies, representing the ideal, secluded place for relaxation,  swimming or sun bathing.
 If you want to spend the best vacation and you don’t know what destination to choose then we definitely recommend you the best lagoons in the world.
Enjoy the most unforgettable vacation in a really picturesque place,  where you will see the wonderful harmony between the Mother Nature and  the human being.
 Let yourself enticed of the spectacular beauty and spend wonderful moments in a delightful atmosphere!!!!!

Images of Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - The Best Lagoons in the World

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Polar bear
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Polar bear

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Beluga whales
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Beluga whales

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Great lagoon
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Great lagoon

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - fantastic destination
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - fantastic destination

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Spectacular view
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Spectacular view

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Nice view
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Nice view

Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Splendid lagoon
Kasegaluk Lagoon in Alaska - Splendid lagoon