
Destinations / The friendliest nations in the world / Georgia




    Former elite holiday destination for the Soviet Union, Georgia is an area blessed with a beautiful peisj composed of high valleys, springs spa centers, caves and waterfalls, a favorable climate and a rich variety of flora and fauna. Located in the Caucasus, Georgia has been in the Silk Road route, which brought many different cultures in its borders. The location between two continents, Georgia was invaded and occupied by various forces, such as Persians, Romans, Arabs and Mongols caliphs. This testimony are impressive archaeological ruins, some dating from the fifth century BC., Fortresses and ancient churches.

Others The friendliest nations in the world .

The friendliest nations in the world

Images of Georgia, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Georgia - The friendliest nations in the world

Georgia - Caucasus view
Georgia - Caucasus view

Georgia - Splendid scenery
Georgia - Splendid scenery

Georgia - Panoramic landscape
Georgia - Panoramic landscape