
Destinations / The best countries in Asia / Tajikistan




Total area: 143,100 km2
Population: 7,995,754 (2010 estimate)
Density: 48.6/km2
Currency: Somoni (TJS)
Official language: Tajik
Capital: Dushanbe
Governement: Unitary semi-presidential republic
Internet TLD: .tj
Calling code: 992


  Tajikistan is a country located in Central Asia and shares borders to the north with Kyrgyzstan, to the east with China, to the south with Afghanistan and to the west and north-west with Uzbekistan. The territory of Tajikistan is largely mountainous, with more than fifty percent of the territory having an altitude over 3,000 meters above sea level. 


  Tajikistan's mountainous terrain provides some excellent hiking opportunities for the adventure travelers. For the regular traveler, you can choose among historical exploration, socializing with the locals, horse or camel riding or simply relax in this scenic setting, admiring the beautiful landscape from the peaks of Pamir range.   


  The civil strike from 1992-1997 together with the numerous earthquakes (500 earthquakes only in this century) that destroyed the ancient monuments and buildings (the main tourist areas) have hampered the development of tourism in Tajikistan. Although tourism development was among the major priorities of the Government, a relatively small number of tourists choose to visit Tajikistan. 


  If you want to visit Tajikistan, make sure to include the following sites on your route: Dushanbe – the capital city; Khojand - the richest part of the country untouched by civil war; Fan Mountains, Iskander-Kul Lake, Gumbezkul Valley, Wakhan Corridor, Pamir range. 


  The best time to visit Tajikistan is during spring (April-June) and autumn (September-November). In March, the Navrus festival takes place. To visit the Pamir Mountains, the best time period is from July to September. Summer is usually too hot while winter too harsh to travel to any part of the country.


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Images of Tajikistan, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Tajikistan - The best countries in Asia

Tajikistan - Dushanbe
Tajikistan - Dushanbe

Tajikistan - Currency
Tajikistan - Currency

Tajikistan - Flag of Tajikistan
Tajikistan - Flag of Tajikistan

Tajikistan - Map of Tajikistan
Tajikistan - Map of Tajikistan