
Destinations / The most beautiful deltas in the world / Rhone Delta


Rhone Delta


    Rhone River flows into the Mediterranean, forming not only the most beautiful delta in France, but one of the best protected deltas around the world. The whole region is actually included in the Camargue National Park boundaries, protected area since 1970. Reserve covers an area of 80,000 hectares, including here marshes, meadows, forests, sand dunes and Saraturi. Delta is the largest in Western Europe. The region is famous for rough weather, with over 300 days a year in which whipped the mistral, a cold, dry wind that blows from the north-west across the entire Valley Rhoneului. A third of the delta are strictly protected, people being denied access completely. Asprele measures were taken to save and preserve rare species of plants and animals, and for maintaining the local ecosystem, which is very fragile. The rest of the delta, with a special permit, are allowed hunting, farming and salt extraction. 

   Fields with Saraturi are located in southeastern delta, salt is harvested here since Roman rule period. Camargue hosts a rich biodiversity, however Delta is renowned worldwide for three species: a black bull breed smaller and more supple than those of the Corridor, Cheval Camarguais handsome, a local breed of white horses, with over 50,000 The pink flamingos stopped in marshes during summer. Eco and impeccable etnoturimul were developed in the Rhone Delta is organizing the annual festival which celebrates the Camargue, with great pomp, the entire region. Gypsies pilgrimage consists of several colorful festivals celebrating Gypsy communities in which habits. During the months of June and November, Horse Festival held in Stes-Maries-de-la-Mer and Taurus Festival.

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Most beautiful deltas in the world

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Rhone Delta - Overview
Rhone Delta - Overview

Rhone Delta - Rhone river
Rhone Delta - Rhone river