
Fitness / The best fitness centers in Berlin, Germany / FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg


FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg


    If you want to shape your figure and your muscles strong, without investing much time - then you are correct with us. With Power Plate activate up to 97 percent of the muscle fibers and to achieve in just 10 minutes training a success, which corresponds to a conventional 90 minutes strength training. Power Plate is a three-dimensional oscillating plate which vibrates depending on the settings 25-50 times per second. After your first workout on the Power Plate you will be surprised at how intense you feel are trained.

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Best fitness centers in Berlin, Germany

Images of FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - The best fitness centers in Berlin, Germany

FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - Power Plate
FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - Power Plate

FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - External view
FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - External view

FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - Gym equipment
FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - Gym equipment

FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - Inside view
FigurMANUFAKTUR - Power Plate, Charlottenburg - Inside view