
Massage / The best massage techniques worldwide / Neo-reichien Massage


Neo-reichien Massage


   It is a global approach that allows awareness of physical sensations and emotional feelings, regarding the release muscle tension recorded in the memory of the body to cope with unhealed traumas and find the energy balance and self-consciousness.

   Dr. Wilhelm Reich (1897-1957), Austrian physician and psychoanalyst psihocorporale considered one of the pioneers of therapy from patients observed a relationship between emotional and physical appearance (posture, gestualitate, mimics), developed the concept of "muscular armor" of found seven rings that react with muscle tension: eyes, jaw, neck, chest, waist, abdomen, pelvis, while it creates the unconscious muscular armor (stiff neck, stomach tension, tense shoulders, headaches, excess grease etc.). to protect the mental pain unhealed.
Neo-reichien massage is used in back pain, headaches, insomnia, anxiety, digestive disorders, sciatalgii. A session lasts 60-80 minutes, it uses oil, is practiced on a naked person lying on the massage table or on the ground.
   At the first meeting made history physical therapist and body, note the reported muscle armor. To ease tensions and profound slow movements using the muscles and connective tissue. Is made from head to foot, from center to periphery, ranging in intensity depending on the sensitivity of the subject.

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Neo-reichien Massage - Neo-reichien massage