
Massage / The best massage techniques worldwide / Esalen Massage


Esalen Massage


    Concept developed at Esalen Institute, founded in 1962 in Big Sur in California, insisted on the release of "shell body, feelings and human potential development. Swedish massage technique is derived from being a trademark of California Esalen Institute, the first workshop is open to the public in 1968.

   Esalen massage is a gentle and intuitive approach that aims to awaken a sensuality and a touch psihocorporale conscious and breathing. His philosophy is based on listening and presence. Esalen massage is not intended to answer a particular problem (improvement of back pain, for example), but includes the whole person. First the practitioner learns to adjust breathing movements and other reactions to the person receiving, on the other hand massaged person learns to relax listening to every part of his body reactions, taking contact with the inner life. The method is mostly intuitive, hard to describe technical and scientific.
   Esalen massage induces relaxation and a great deep body-spirit connection, can be seen as a moving meditation. A session usually lasts an hour. The therapist massaged invite the person to feel stress and emotions and they have to abandon their inner feelings. The session begins when the practitioner is fully focused on energy concentrated person. Unlike other types of oil massage, Esalen massage has no predetermined stages. The first gesture is establishing contact, followed by long flowing movements performed slowly. When the person begins to relax and leave the practitioner varies in intensity and speed of its movements. The session ends with large movements creating a feeling of space.
   Esalen Institute offers two types of training programs: one for 28 days equivalent to 150 hours of training over the next two months.

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Esalen Massage - Esalen technique

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Esalen Massage - Esalen Massage