
Flights / The best luxury airline companies in the world / Singapore Airlines


Singapore Airlines


   A famous proverb says that everything is big in first-class style, but Singapore Airlines is the world's largest aircraft. In 2006, this company was first to introduce the spectacular Airbus A380 that can carry up to 555 passengers. Even without the A380, with Singapore Airlines first-class experience is extraordinary. There are only 12 First Class Suite with leather chairs Connoly and gave the feeling that you are in a big Bentley with wings than a plane.

Others The best luxury airline companies in the world .

Best luxury airline companies in the world

Images of Singapore Airlines, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Singapore Airlines - The best luxury airline companies in the world

Singapore Airlines - Business Class
Singapore Airlines - Business Class

Singapore Airlines - Relaxation and cosiness
Singapore Airlines - Relaxation and cosiness

Singapore Airlines - Aircraft
Singapore Airlines - Aircraft