
Destinations / The most beautiful Zoos in Europe / Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany


Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany


  Zoologischer Garten Berlin is the oldest and best known location of its kind in Germany. Impresioanat Besides this, the Berlin zoo last year had more than 3 million visitors, making it the crowning title of the most visited zoo in Europe. Open to the public on 1 August 1844, covers 35 hectares. The first of its collection of wild animals have been donated by Frederick William IV, King of Prussia. After the bombing during the Second World War the garden was almost completely destroyed, only 91 animals of the 3715 copies managed to survive the carnage unleashed by the Allies air. Among survivors include two lei, two hyenas, an Asian elephant, a hippo, 10 baboons, a chimpanzee, a black stork and several other small-sized animals.

  Today, Zoologischer Garten Berlin boasts a collection of 15,912 animals belonging to a total of 1468 species. Garden works in scientific research with a number of universities and other prestigious insitutii zoos in the world, promoting the many endangered animal breeding programs in Europe. Some animals are born in Berlin Zoo and then released into the wild. Garden ambitious breeding program to manage black and white rhinos, as well as Indian hole. Everything inside it, there is also a huge aquarium with a capacity of 25 tons of water. A tenant from the famous Berlin Zoo polar bear cub Knut nice, which was rejected at birth by his mother, was successfully fed and raised by devoted caregivers. Other tenants are valuable Asiatic lions, tuatara lizards, pandas and Siberian tigers.

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Images of Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Hippopotamus fight
Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Hippopotamus fight

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Knut, the local star
Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Knut, the local star

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Giraffe
Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Giraffe

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Elephant Gate
Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - Elephant Gate