
Destinations / The most beautiful lakes in the world / Lake Nakuru in Kenya


Lake Nakuru in Kenya


  Lake Nakuru National Park is the ideal place for for bird watching enthusiasts, who will be impressed by the multitude of bird species. Great white pelican, pygmy dip, martial eagle (endangered), vindereul (Falcofinnunculus) bitlanul of Madagascar are just a few of the many species of birds can be seen in Lake Nakuru. You can admire the thousands of pink flamingos live in the surrounding lake. The best place from which this performance can be admired Hill baboons (Baboon Cliff), here tourists with a general view. On the shores of the lake, white rhinos can be observed or gas, with a large number of baboons.

  It is hard to describe the beauty and diversity of the site. Forests, rocks, waterfalls, landscapes all surprising for a country make up the rain. Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the few places in the world can get acquainted with leopard and rhino is white and black rhino sanctuary. Buffalos, zebras, Rothschild giraffe (endangered) and the lions have their well defined place.

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most beautiful lakes in the world

Images of Lake Nakuru in Kenya, icons, photos, figures, visions, appearances, illustrations, snapshots, captures, canvas and pictures of Lake Nakuru in Kenya - The most beautiful lakes in the world

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Flamingos at the lake
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Flamingos at the lake

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Lake Nakuru view
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Lake Nakuru view

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Wildlife at Lake Nakuru
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Wildlife at Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - White Rhyno at Lake Nakuru
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - White Rhyno at Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Flamingos
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Flamingos

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Wildlife
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Wildlife

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Pelicans at Lake Nakuru
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Pelicans at Lake Nakuru

Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Flamingos at Lake Nakuru
Lake Nakuru in Kenya - Flamingos at Lake Nakuru