
best places tag - Best Tourism best destinations pag 17


The most spectacular places in Europe (Destinations)

Chartres Cathedral Chartres Cathedral
   It is considered the supreme example of Gothic architecture and was the first cathedral to be May 3 round windows with a diameter of 13 meters and its walls could be decorated with stained glass windows (windows).      Church was divided by rows of columns, decorated with three giant vessels sized sculptures of many of legendary leaders and saints of various historical periods. Cathedral have a special importance as a place of pilgrimage to Chartres being is the most precious relic ...
Eiffel Tower in Paris, France Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
   Undoubtedly, the Eiffel Tower in central Paris is the most important metal construction of the nineteenth century. Tower foundation was made in 1887 by Gustave Eiffel, who said that the tower is a monument in honor of the French Revolution of 1789, which opened the way "a century of industry and technology."      Initially, the Eiffel Tower was 300.5 meters, but after placing a television antenna, its height is 320.75 meters. Weight, of 9700 tons, was reduced after the renovati...
Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, Turkey
   Saint Sophia Church - Aghia Sophia - represents the triumph of Christianity, but also a symbol of Byzantium. Tralles Anthemios master builders of Isidore of Miletus created one of the most impressive sacred buildings in the world, with a central dome designed based on mathematical calculations.      It was the largest church of Christianity until the Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453. The cathedral was converted into a mosque and four minarets were built surrounding the ...

The best destinations in Australia and Oceania (Australia - Destinations)

Great Barrier Reef Great Barrier Reef
     The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef world. It is situated off Queensland, Australia. It covers 2 600 km from Bundaberg to the tip of Cape York. Covering an area of 350 000 km ², it can be seen from space. By comparison, Germany has an area of 357 000 km ². The Great Barrier Reef has more than 2 000 islands and reefs around 3 000 of all kinds. It can be seen near the coast, but the most spectacular are some 50 km offshore. It is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO.    Th...
Palau Islands Palau Islands
    Located between Guam, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea, Palau is an archipelago with a length of 640km, which houses the world's highest concentration of coral, fish and other marine creatures. Therefore, Palau is one of the most spectacular locations in the world free diving and compressed air, providing the visitors and an excellent infrastructure for diving. Coral reefs shelter more than 1,500 fish and 700 species of coral and sea anemones. The show is complemented by coral gardens and wreckage in the Second World W...
Uluru in Australia Uluru in Australia
   Located in the middle of Australian desert south of town Alice Springs, Ayers Rock monolith of sandstone is the largest in the world with a height of 350 meters. Red Rock is called by aborigiens, original inhabitants of Australia, Uluru - the place that throws shadows....

The best budget holiday destinations in 2010 (Destinations)

Albania Albania
    Tourists can take full advantage of wild and mountainous landscape of Albania, as well as sandy beaches and beautiful lakes. On the south coast are at activities like swimming, diving, sailing and fishing. There are two priority areas for tourism development - coastal areas, especially between Karavasta Velipoja and north, between the bay of Vlora and Llogara, and Ionian coast to the border with Greece in the south, and areas of lakes and mountains of the interior.       Albanian h...
The Philippines The Philippines
   Although the number of total 7107 islands (7108 at low tide), with a total line cost more than that of America, most of the population live on 11 islands. Filipinos consider loneliness a freak so gorgeous beaches, beautiful waterfalls and rice terraces which are rich with the Philippines offers you charm people. Tourists in this country will be included in "bayanihan" term that means continuing need for community. Jokes, smiles and fun will be shared with visitors brotherly.    &nbs...
Ukraine Ukraine
   Ukraine is one of the largest and most diverse countries in Europe. As land border between East and West, Ukraine was vulnerable to foreign invasions, which have enriched the culture of the country sometimes, but other times they exploited and devastated country. Probably the main attractions of this area are natural beauty and rich history. Many cities have a history of 500 years and some even 900. Cities that they are enriched by monuments, buildings, archaeological sites and impressive palaces.   ...

The most beautiful cities in Europe (Destinations)

Athens in Greece Athens in Greece
   Athens Acropolis still dominate and attract millions of tourists annually. Nothing has decreased the architectural beauty, grandeur and quality! Unique architectural style, Doric columns, Ionic and Corinthian, Greek-style versions of classical Roman and Greek newest contemporary style, all combine in a fascinating mix of history, art and masters. Athens, capital of ancient architecture, it is as fascinating just as it was 2300 years ago!...
Amsterdam in Netherlands Amsterdam in Netherlands
   What may be shocking to a romantic city with grand architecture, Venetian-style canals and tramways of age? Despite its idyllic image of Amsterdam's, those who visited it in a "bachelor party" will realize that actually everything is allowed in this city.      An underground world is brought to the surface at street level, by bars and cafes that sell marijuana without restrictions and wher...
Barcelona in Spain Barcelona in Spain
   Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is a cosmopolitan Mediterranean that has a specific charm, boasting Roman remains, medieval districts, along with the most beautiful examples of Modernism and Avant-Garde of the twentieth century. Renovated in 1992 for the Olympic Games, Barcelona has become one of the must-visit cities in Europe and even in the entire world. Picturesque landscapes, the best preserved Gothic Quarter in Europe, the architecture with Gaudi’s bold lines, the art galleries that exhibit works of Miró...

The best places to meditate in India (India - Meditation Tourism)

Haridwar Haridwar
    Haridwar means the gateway to God and is considered a holy city, is an ancient city built in the Vedic period, mentioned in Mahabharata. Haridwar is one of the seven cities touched by God and one of the 12 holy cities of India, being a place of pilgrimage....
Rishikesh Rishikesh
   In 1968 the Beatles had learned from Jai Guru Dev Shankaracharya, yoga philosophy and meditation in Rishikesh. It was when India became and remained an attractive destination for many artists and others. Yoga and Ayurveda treatments are a successful combination for India tourism....
Bodhgaya Bodhgaya
    About Bodhgaya town is said to be the place where Buddha was situated at the foot of a fig tree, which symbolizes knowledge tree (Bodhi) and received enlightenment after a long meditation, giving current name as meaning "awakenings" or "enlightened."      City Transformation vegetarian Bodhgaya zone of peace has been committed by members of the Vegetarian Society for Tibetans organization that hopes to get as much support, yet enjoying the support of actor Richard Ge...

The most colourful places in the world (Destinations)

India India
   India is a country in southern Asia that occupies most of the Indian subcontinent. The name of the country "India" derives from the Old Persian version of the word "Sindhu", the name of the river Indus in Sanskrit. The official texts also use the word "Bharat" (Hindi word derived from the Sanskrit name of an ancient Hindu king, whose history can be found in the Ramayana). A third name, Hindustan, is used since the time of the Mughal Empire and is the most widely used today by most Indians in every...
Mexico Mexico
   Mexico is a country in North America, south of the United States. With nearly 107 million people, including twenty million in the urban area of its capital, Mexico City, Mexico is the most populous Spanish-speaking country. It is also the third in size and the second in population in Latin America. It is the thirteenth largest economy in the world.    Mexico is a beautiful and diverse country with many things to offer visitors, whether they go to visit the local beaches famous all over the world...
South Africa South Africa
    With a spectacular coastline and majestic mountains, South Africa draws anat adventure around the world. South Africans boast the highest bungee jump platform of the world (a fall of 216 meters from the Bloukrans Bridge). The offer is not made available to adventurous tourists missing trips alpine climbing routes of varying degrees of difficulty, mountain biking, horseback riding and hiking. If you prefer spending time in water, you can try scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, water skiing and surfing. Besides South Africa's...