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The most popular tourist destinations in the world (Destinations)

London in United Kingdom London in United Kingdom
   With 8 million inhabitants, London is the largest European city, but also the most ethnically diverse one. Almost 200 languages are spoken in London and more than 30% of the population are represented by immigrants. Despite decentralization and local vanities, London dominates the horizon of all British citizens, as the most important events take place here, as well as the greatest business deals.    Londoners’ feeling of superiority often irritates or even causes enormous resentment, but Lond...
Prague Prague
   Prague or "City of a thousand towers" is one of the most amazing European cities. Being one of the best preserved medieval centers throughout Europe, the town was included on UNESCO world heritage. Prague is an ideal city for lovers of castles, cathedrals and culture. For centuries, churches were built, residences and palaces, synagogues and Hebrew cemetery district and the majestic Charles Bridge on the River Vltava. Nowadays, Charles Bridge is a stage for musicians, flame swallowing and various artists, to ...
New York New York
     New York is a city of superlatives. Besides being a world financial center, the island of Manhattan is dotted with world-renowned restaurants, architectural masterpieces and venerable art institutions that make New York the greatest cultural city in the world.    The phrase "If you succeed in New York, you will succeed anywhere else in the world" attracts visitors from around the world who come here searching for the American dream. New York has always been a city of the whole world, with it...

The best places to visit in Salzburg, Austria (Austria - Destinations)

Hohensalzburg Fortress Hohensalzburg Fortress
  Hohensalzburg Fortress is the largest fortress in central Europe, a castle that emanated power, located in a favorable position and the most important attractions of Salzburg. Hohensalzburg Fortress Salzburg tourism is the objective necessarily be visited if you are on vacation here.      The first documentary attestation of a fortress on the southern slope of Mount Mönchsberg dating from Roman times. Although not very clear, the existence of a fortification here would have very much...
Salzburger Dom Salzburger Dom
  Domplatz - Cathedral Square - is located right in front of Salzburg Cathedral and Residenz Castle is fenced and the Monastery of St. Peter. Just above the main window of St. Peter can see a girl who has drawn a grimace to the Residenz Castle Prince Archbishop. This was done to show people that the great abbot of the monastery of St Peter's can afford to be the law of Prince Archbishop of Salzburg.     Passing the cathedral arches Giovanni Antonio Dari, is reached in Residenzplatz Kapitelplatz ...
Mirabell Palace and Gardens Mirabell Palace and Gardens
  Mirabell Palace, the baroque masterpiece, was originally built as the castle Altenau under Prince Archbishop Wolf Dietrich von Raitenau in the year 1606. It was conceived as a gift for his concubine Salome Alt and is especially known for its splendid gardens.      His successor, Archbishop Markus Sittikus Prince changed his name to the Mirabell Palace (nice view). Prince Archbishop Franz Anton Harrach castle rebuilt from scratch, more or less, by Johann Lukas von Hildebrandt plans between...

The best places to visit in Milan, Italy (Italy - Destinations)

Duomo Duomo
  Cathedral of Santa Maria Nascente, shortly Milan Cathedral or Duomo di Milan, is situated in Piazza del Duomo and it is the third largest church of Christianity (surpassed only by St. Peter in Rome and the Cathedral of Seville). The Duomo is no doubt a delight for the eyes of every tourist. Although most of the key elements of the Duomo were complete by 1391, the construction lasted almost 500 years to be carried out. Some maintenance and reconstruction work is currently taking place, but the unsettling beauty is now complete and...
Stadio San Siro Stadio San Siro
  There are several famous stadiums in the world when it comes to Italy and none compares to San Siro Stadium in Milan. It is the biggest stadium in Italy with a capacity of 80,000 seats, or distinctive design makes it easily recognizable. Because the San Siro stadium that is playing two of the biggest teams in Italy are major football matches every weekend. Stadium in Milan is known by many names and reasons for this are more complicated than you might think.      It was originally called ...
Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II
  Right in the heart of Milan, right between Duomo and La Scala Theatre, there is the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II built between 1860 and 1870. Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II is another monument for King who unified Italy, as Rome Vittorio Emmanuele monument is enormous. May be called the shopping mall, but is very stylish. Found very high ceiling is made of iron and glass domes.     Gallery was designed by Giuseppe Megnoni who unfortunately died just before the building ends, after a fall ...

The best places to visit in Madrid, Spain (Spain - Destinations)

Plaza Mayor Plaza Mayor
  Plaza Mayor, a large square in downtown Madrid is very popular among tourists and locals alike. Rectangular market has a uniform architecture, very similar to market Vosges in Paris.      In the Middle Ages it was just a market place of consumer goods outside the city walls. In 1560 King Philip II asked Juan de Herrera, architect of the Escorial to transform the church fair in a real small square. Only in the year 1617, during the reign of King Philip III, Plaza Mayor began construction o...
Almudena Cathedral Almudena Cathedral
   Almudena Cathedral in Madrid took over 100 years to be built. It was finally consecrated by Pope John Paul II in 1993. Shortly after King Philip II assigned Madrid the capital of Spain in the year of 1561, he wanted to build a cathedral for the new capital. Because of political turmoil and strong opposition from the Archdiocese of Toledo City, which was then a much larger city, the construction of the building was constantly delayed. Finally, in 1868 a congregation devoted to the Virgin Almudena, the saint that patronizes Madr...
Puerta del Sol Puerta del Sol
  Plaza Puerta del Sol is the perfect starting point to explore the city of Madrid. This bustling market, is centrally located one of the most lively places in town.     Puerta del Sol is now the historic heart of Madrid, but last place was at the eastern edge of town. Market name comes from the east gate of the city that existed here in the 15th century. Gate was probably named after the sun painted on it - Puerta del Sol or the Sun Gate. Present semi-oval small square was created in the 19th c...

The best places to visit in Lisbon, Portugal (Portugal - Destinations)

Bairro Alto Bairro Alto
  Bairro Alto, Lisbon is a picturesque neighborhood, dating back centuries. Sixteenth and famous for a kind of Montmarte the Portuguese capital - the best place Bohemian city, a privileged destination for artists and writers.     Network of streets is pretty quiet during the day but at night is transformed into a most active area of the city. Behind the colorful facades and full of graffiti is an excellent variety of traditional and international restaurants, fado houses, bars and shops of shopp...
Jeronimo Monastery Jeronimo Monastery
    Lisbon Jeronimo Monastery is listed on UNESCO's World Heritage list and is the resting place of Vasco da Gama. Jeronimo Monastery is the most impressive symbol of Portugal's power and wealth in the great geographical discoveries.    King Manuel I built it in 1502 on the site of a hermitage founded by Prince Henry the Navigator, where Vasco da Gama and his crew spent their last night in Portugal, praying before going to India. Was built to commemorate Vasco da Gama's expedition to thank M...
Oceanarium in Lisbon, Portugal Oceanarium in Lisbon, Portugal
   Lisbon Oceanarium is a museum of marine biology located at Nations Park in Lisbon, Portugal, built as part of Expo 98.     This flag, designed by the American architect Peter Chermayeff, resembling a carrier and is installed on a pier surrounded by water. It is the second largest oceanarium in the world and contains an impressive collection of species - birds, mammals, fish and other marine life. The habitats chosen for its natural wealth in terms of fauna and flora, were as follows: Antarctic ocean...

The best places to visit in Bruges, Belgium (Belgium - Destinations)

Gruuthuse Museum Gruuthuse Museum
  Gruuthuse Museum is the largest complex of museums in Bruges and is located in the house which belonged to Van Gruuthuse Brugghe-van der Aa. Gruut represent a mixture of flavors from which he used to make beer. Present collections of art and antiquities have been started in 1865 by the Archaeological Society in 1955 and Burges, Bruges city council won a collection and expanded.      Sculptural art - the collection consists of objects of different materials: wood (crucifixes, altars, fragm...
Historical Centre of Bruges Historical Centre of Bruges
  Bruges City Centre is part of UNESCO heritage. Historical city center has been carefully built since the Middle Ages and is remarkably preserved today. The city can tell their own story through all the monuments, churches, historic buildings and markets. Bruges site is an example of medieval settlement, which has preserved original buildings of centuries, and Gothic buildings are part of the city identity. As one of the commercial and cultural capitals of Europe, Brugge developed cultural links site with different cities around t...
Basilica of the Holy Blood Basilica of the Holy Blood
  Church of the Holy Blood has a remnant of the holy blood of Jesus Christ. Legend says that after the crucifixion, St. Joseph of Arimathea, wiped the blood and body Savior kept his clothes. These clothes have left the Holy Land until the Second Crusade, when King of Jerusalem, Baldwin III, and gave the brother or the Count of Flanders, Diederik van de Elzas. Count Saviour brought clothes with blood on 7 April 1150 and placed her in a chapel he built a square Burg.     Holy Blood Church consists...

The best places to visit in Athens, Greece (Greece - Destinations)

Ancient Agora Ancient Agora
   Agora was the center of ancient Athens, the center of political, commercial, administrative and social justice, a religious center and the settlement. Place was taken without interruption in all periods of history of the city. It was used as a residential area late Neolithic era (3000 Ch i). At the beginning of XI century, the Agora became a public area.      After repairs and restorations, reached the century rectangular II I. Ch. Repairs following year in the Persian attack i. Ch ...
Parthenon in Athens, Greece Parthenon in Athens, Greece
  Temple of Athena in Greece, was built in dry Partheon. 5th BC Acropolis hill. This is the most important surviving building of Classical Greece, generally considered to have helped the development of Greece. Its decorative sculptures are considered one of the high points of Greek architecture. Partheon is regarded as a lasting symbol of ancient Greece and Athenian democracy and one of the greatest cultural monuments. Ministry of Culture of Greece currently performing a program of restoration and reconstruction....
The Temple of Zeus The Temple of Zeus
  Temple of Zeus at Olympia, known as the Oplympeion, Amalias Street is located at 500 meters southeast of the Acropolis and Emtriva 700 south of Syntagma Square. Foundation belongs to a temple that was dedicated to the tyrant Pisistratus in the year 515 but i Ch canf works were abandoned son of Pisistratus, Hippias was removed from the throne in the year 510 Ch i.      The construction of the temple of Zeus were performed in dry Ch III died during the Macedonian domination Cossutius Roman ...

The best places to visit in Amsterdam, Netherlands (Netherlands - Destinations)

Red Light District Red Light District
  Red district of Amsterdam is a major tourist attraction of Amsterdam. Is known as the "Walletjes. It consists of a network of paths which are a large number of small room rented especially for women who offer their services behind a special glass or glass doors, these rooms are usually decorated with red lights. The whole area has a predominantly air entertainment for adults, is full of entertainment for adults, sexual accessories stores, adult movie theaters and a sex museum. Also in the Amsterdam red district is located an...
Royal Palace Royal Palace
   Royal Palace in Amsterdam is located in Amsterdam's Dam Square in the center. It was originally built to serve as building the mayor and magistrates of Amsterdam. In the seventeenth century was the largest building in Europe. Royal Palace in Dam Square is one of three palaces in the Dutch State has provided to the Queen by a decision of parliament. The palace is used mainly for official events, visits at the highest level, special receptions and reception on the occasion of New Year. Every year there are various prizes and award...
Van Gogh Museum Van Gogh Museum
  A visit to Van Gogh museum is a unique experience during a vacation in Amsterdam. The museum contains the largest collection of paintings of Van Gogh in the world. The exhibit allows visitors to observe closely the evolution of the artist or compare his paintings with other artists of the nineteenth century. The museum also offers its visitors and other art exhibitions on various topics of the nineteenth century.     Van Gogh Museum's permanent collection includes works of Vincent Van Gogh and...