
Quiz one on The best touristic attractions in Lebanon

Before start the quiz see

The best touristic attractions in Lebanon

Question number 1

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square

Question number 2

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square

Question number 3

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square

Question number 4

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square

Question number 5

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square

Question number 6

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square

Question number 7

The Al-Omari Mosque
The Temples of Baalbeck
The Jeita Grotto
The Agial Art Gallery
Lebanon-one of the best touristic attractions of the world
The Martyrs' Square