Milan Cathedral
Milan Cathedral is a symbolic monument. It is the administrative center of the Lombardy region and it is dedicated to Santa Maria Nashente. The famous fourth-largest church in the world is located in the Milan heart and is its symbol. This late Gothic wonder, which contains a forest of steeples and statues, marble pointed columns and turrets, woven together by a web of soaring towers, provokes you to say: grand, stunning, gorgeou...
The Most Unusual Churches in the World -> World Tourism
About The Most Unusual Churches in the World
A church is an architectural structure designed for the sermons and religious ceremonies in Orthodoxy, Catholicism and Protestantism. The main city or monastery church is commonly called the cathedral.
Each religion has its own churches or cathedrals. A lot of years had to pass in the past until a church was built. But if it was finally constructed, it became a true architectural and cultural monument. Years passed and some of them are ruined, others are closed, but others are still visited by Christians.
All the old churches and cathedrals became amazing tourist attractions, no matter if it is decaying or not. For a lot of people these old religious buildings are saint. That’s why they come to see them not just for entertaining and photos, but also to enrich their souls, to clear their minds, and to approach God.
Each church or cathedral is built in a special style representing an architectural monument. That’s why there are simple religious buildings, but there are also strange and unusual, from the architectural point of view, religious constructions.
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