
The best touristic attractions in Romania -> Destinations


About The best touristic attractions in Romania

Romania is the ideal home for the most beautiful castles and medieval towns that keep their beauty during the time. If you plan a trip in Romania you should definitely see its best places which will fascinate you for their cultural style. Romania is a pot full of historical masterpieces that represents the most precious treasure of the country. Check out the best places in Romania and make your own decision about which one will be the first to visit.
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Hunedoara Castle

   Hunedoara Castle also called Corvin’s  Castle is one of the most beautiful Ghotic style building. The castle lays on a rock where  the river Zlasti runs around. Its history is related by Dracula that was in prison for seven years in this castle. It was constructed during the 12th-14th century and initially was a small citadel that was given by Sigismund to Vojk Hunyad, after his death the castle was developed and extended by his son, Ioannus Corvinus, who tra...

Histria Citadel

   Histria Citadel is situated along Lake Sinoe, is considered the ruins of the Greek city of Histria. The old city of Histria was founded by Greek that arrived here from Miletus and Minor Asia. In 657BC Histria was an important port in the region and was left in the 7th century AD, but was discovered in 1914 and now represents a gorgeous old city and the ruins of the citadel is a great prove for its history. Initially the citadel occuppied a big territory, covering over 35 hec...

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