
The most beautiful castles in Tuscany -> Castles


About The most beautiful castles in Tuscany

The most beautiful castles in Tuscany
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Castle of Tornano

 The Castle of Tornano, set among the rolling hills in the heart of Chianti Classico, is mentioned by a few books of medieval history from the eleventh century. We recall in particular the exploits of Guarnellotto Mezzolombardi among the first lord of the fortress, and the stubborn resistance that was able to impose the emperor Frederick Barbarossa. This imposing structure has been a witness of so many intrigues, battles, conspiracies and accomplice in many adventures underground du...

Castle of Bibbione

Erected by Cadolingi of Montecascioli, Castle Bibbione is documented in ancient manuscripts from the year 997 by the name of "Castrum Bibionis".   Equipped with a wall, which in the past served as a final defense for its inhabitants, the castle dominates a medieval village and ancient houses along the hillside of St. Angelo, in the Chianti, whose lands they reach the underlying Cassia and the river Pesa.   In 1511, Niccolo ...

Cafaggiolo castello

Cafaggiolo Castle is located north of Florence, Mugello, an ancient place of origin of the Medici family. And 'one of the great masterpieces of Renaissance architecture, by Michelozzo. The original castle dates from the fourteenth century was a time when the fortress of the Republic. Cosimo the Elder in 1443 he commissioned to Michelozzo to transform the old fortress into a residential building. Within its walls, the Medici were to spend more or less long periods, hosting celebritie...

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