
The best countries of South America -> Destinations


About The best countries of South America

Exotic, colourful and mysterious, countries of South America await to be discovered! Which is the most attractive one? Check it out!
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Total area: 756,950 km2 Population: 17,094,270(2010 estimate) Density: 22/km2 Currency : Peso (CLP) Official language(s): Spanish Capital: Santiago de Chile Governement: Unitary Presidential Republic Internet TLD: .cl Calling code: +56      A landscape as diverse as in Chile is described in folklore sources: "When God gave a glance to ...


Total area: 1,141,748 km2 Population: 45,586,233(2010 estimate) Density: 40/km2 Currency: Peso (COP) Official language: Spanish Capital: Bogotá, D.C. Governement: Unitary presidential republic Internet TLD: .co Calling code: +57      Columbia is situated in the north-western part of South America, sharing borders with Venezuela and...

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