Stadio San Siro
There are several famous stadiums in the world when it comes to Italy and none compares to San Siro Stadium in Milan. It is the biggest stadium in Italy with a capacity of 80,000 seats, or distinctive design makes it easily recognizable. Because the San Siro stadium that is playing two of the biggest teams in Italy are major football matches every weekend. Stadium in Milan is known by many names and reasons for this are more complicated than you might think.
The best places to visit in Milan, Italy -> Destinations
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About The best places to visit in Milan, Italy
Best places to visit in Milan, ItalyVote the best in order to establish the winner in The best places to visit in Milan, Italy.
Santa Maria delle Grazie
Possibly the main target that attract more tourists in Milan is Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece - The Last Supper. Between 1495 and 1497, Leonardo painted this masterpiece of confusion and betrayal on the wall of the dining hall in time when Santa Maria delle Grazie was a Dominican monastery. Leonardo's fresco has been called "the saddest work of art in the world" - in part because of deteriorated even before being completed, probably because the priests preparing t...
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Top places to visit in Milan best places to visit in Milan best attractions in Milan top places in Milan places to go and see in Milan Milan visit Milan Italy trip to Milan top 10 places in Milan
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Ector said:
I was in Duomo.
I suggest ever traveller that place!