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Auvergne - Top places to visit in France

   Auvergne region of France is a region located in central-southern part, in the Massif Central. Former province of Auvergne corresponds approximately, but inclde other former provinces and territories: Bourbonnais, Velay, Gevaudan, and Forez Vivarais.    Much of the region is covered by mountains of the Massif Central, dating from the late herican massive primary era which lies on a sixth of the surface of France. The landscape is as a high plateau, cut by...

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Bretagne - Top places to visit in France

   Even the French may feel strangers in Brittany, an area in northwestern France that fall deep into the Atlantic. Broken French cultural vein, Bretons have created cultural affinities with the Celts. Following the powerful local traditions, until today, Britons support their fierce independence.     Brittany may be divided in two areas - north-east of Rennes to St Malo and the Channel coast and Cote d'Armor, northern Brittany coast. Generally, the Bri...

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Dordogne Valley

Dordogne Valley

Dordogne Valley - Top places to visit in France

    Dordogne is a region of Aquitaine, bunting with castles and historic museums, and caves containing peristorica art, for example font Cascaux Gaume and Grotte, 14 000 years old. Artistic examples of these caves were created by people of Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon.       This region is fortified towns and villages, with the significant features defensive walls and arcaded squares and a church - the Rougergue Villefranche, Monpazier Na...

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Lourdes - Top places to visit in France

   Originally a small town somercial, Lourdes has become the largest place of pilgrimage in the world, the Virgin Mary. The town is situated on both banks of river Gave de Pau and is the summer residence of bishops tarbes and Lourdes. Every year thousands of pilgrims come here Catholics who believe the Virgin Mary appeared 18 times a young girl, Bernadette Soubirous in the Grotto cave Massabielle. Bernadette was canonized in 1933.The city is famous for its springs of Bernadette...

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Provence - Top places to visit in France

  First holiday in Provence remains in memory as a magical time for all. Cypresses shadow roads, sometimes sprinkled with flower of Oleander bushes and plains covered with lavender or sunflowers. Smell of wild thyme, see everywhere idyllic cottages with red roofs and is so quiet, you could hear the songs of crickets. Above you, the sky is azure color, after passing the famous mistral, the cold wind coming from the Rhine Valley. In no other region of France you will not feel like in ...

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Kinkaku-ji  Temple in Kyoto

Kinkaku-ji Temple in Kyoto

Kinkaku-ji Temple in Kyoto - Top places to visit in Japan

   Kinkaku-ji Temple was originally built for the Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu serve as a retirement villa. That is a kind of asylum staff. Son to the school converted Rinzai Zen temple. The temple burned twice by the fifteenth century and once in 1950. The two floors of the temple are covered with a layer of real gold. The last restoration finished in 2003 and resulted in applying a thicker layer of gold and more durable than previous ones. The temple is located in a beautiful settin...

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Senso-ji Temple

Senso-ji Temple

Senso-ji Temple - The best places to visit in Tokyo, Japan Senso-ji Temple - Top places to visit in Japan

   Legend to the year 628, two brothers have brought a statue of Kannon, the god of mercy, the Sumida River. Even if the brothers put the statue back into the river, she was returning to her always. The temple was complete in 645, making it the oldest temple in Tokyo. When approaching the temple, visitors first pass through Kaminarimon (Thunder Gate) outside the temple gate and the symbol Sensoji Asakusei.      A shopping street of over...

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Okinawa Island

Okinawa Island

Okinawa Island - Top places to visit in Japan

   The one hundred sixty one small islands that make up Okinawa found in southern Japan's Kyushu island linking and Taiwan. Subtropical climate and numerous beaches perfect turn these lands into a mirage. Recently, some of them have become eco-destinations.      Gyokusendo fantastic caves are very popular attraction. Naha, the capital, is known for its pottery and textiles, as well as Shuri Castle, once the residence of Ryukyu Dynasty. Islan...

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Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle - Top places to visit in Japan

   Himeji City is famous for its Himeji Castle. Entry to the castle is wonderful - like a defensive wall and separated from samurai stories surrounded by a moat filled with water in swimming, obviously, golden fish. After passing the black bears find ourselves face to face with white castle on the hill above what is to be found. One reason for fame is just that white castle - is made only of wood and plaster.      Courtyard is surrounded by ...

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Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Japan

Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Japan

Imperial Palace in Kyoto, Japan - Top places to visit in Japan

   Kyoto Imperial Palace (Kyoto Gosho), residence of the imperial family until 1868, when the capital moved to Tokyo is now an impressive ensemble, rebuilt by no less than eight times throughout its history - because of repeated fires. Can be admired in Kyoto Imperial Park, one of Japan's national symbols. Those who want to discover Japan can start their visit here, where under the guidance of the guides can see the beauty and traditions of classical Japanese architecture. ...

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The Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Dam

The Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Dam

The Yangtze River and the Three Gorges Dam - The best places to visit in China

   Best seen by boat tour on the Yangtze River, the Three gorges dam is a marvel of modern architecture. Dam is the largest in the world but the largest hydroelectric power stations. Evil itself is the third longest in the world and the three gorges are attractive most of the tour boat....

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Karst Mountains in Yangshuo

Karst Mountains in Yangshuo

Karst Mountains in Yangshuo - Best destinations in the world Karst Mountains in Yangshuo - The best places to visit in China

  These mountains are famous for their beauty. Located in southern China, in Guangxi, they can be best seen in Yangshuo, a small town near Guilin, a major city in Guangxi....

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The Terracotta Warriors

The Terracotta Warriors

The Terracotta Warriors - The best places to visit in China

   Terracotta army, appreciated as the 8th wonder of the world, was discovered by chance in 1974 when villagers digging a well and revealed some shards of pottery. They knew their value and wanted to sell them. Seeing these pieces of pottery, an archaeologist and realized they had reported an invaluable cultural department of the county.      Thus were brought to light the figures of soldiers and horses. So far about 500 have been exhumed po...

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The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City

The Forbidden City - The best places to visit in Beijing, China The Forbidden City - The best places to visit in China

   Gugong, or Forbidden City, is located in central Beijing, north of the famous Tiananmen Square. Tourists, excited wonders Imperial Palace, usually enter through the south gate and go through the north, after a complete tour by former administrative and cultural center of the former Chinese empire. Flights are regular bus and links to tourist attractions celelelte Beijing are excellent.       Separated from the rest of the world throu...

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Canyon Maligne

Canyon Maligne

Canyon Maligne - The most beautiful canyons in the world

   Maligne Canyon is in Canada and is carved in limestone over 160 million years, this canyon is located in Jasper National Park and covers an area of 325 square kilometers....

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Burgtheater - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

  National Theater in Vienna, was built between 1874 and 1878 by the architects Karl Hasenauer and Gottfried Semper. It is one of the most famous theaters in the German speaking world. Burg's what she was never a Viennese theater but rather simply a holy place where there were hot debates about the role art and culture in society.      Over the years the theater has evolved famous actors but also held here today a variety of plays, concerts and o...

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The Albertina

The Albertina

The Albertina - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   Albertina is a museum of Vienna's first district. It hosts one of the largest and most important collections of graphic art in the world with nearly 65,000 drawings and one million prints old but modern graphics works.      Albertina Museum was founded by one of the last existing part of the fortifications of Vienna, the building was later taken over by the Duke Albert. Initially he used it as a residence and later brought his art and his...

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Rathaus - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   City Hall of Vienna is one of the most beautiful buildings in many architectural beauties that has this city. Designed by architect Friedrich Schmidt, the building was built between 1872 and 1883. Boulevard Ring Architecture is very diverse in terms of architectural styles used and filled with history, over time it became a blend of architectural style or way. However, the Hall building, the architect used a single style of a particular era.    ...

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Karlskirche - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   Karlskirche or Church of Saint Karl is one of the most beautiful and interesting buildings. By order of the king of this baroque building was designed especially to represent the Habsburg Empire. In 1713, Vienna was hit by plague and Emperor Karl VI made a vow to build a church if it will get rid of Vienna terrible disease. In 1715 prayers were heard and building the church began, it was finished 22 years later in the year 1737.      Karl...

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Prater - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   The land on which Prater is built was mentioned first time in 1162 when Emperor Friedrich I gave the land to a noble family called Prato. In 1560 Emperor Maximilian II decided that the area was to organize hunts, but later Emperor Rudolf II forbade May poachers to enter the Prater. On 7 April 1766 Emperor Joseph Prater said land for fun people, and allowed the organization which has several cafes Prater beginning today.      Perhaps the b...

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The Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum

The Natural History Museum - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   Art History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum), hosted by a building on the Ring Boulevard which resembles a palace is one of the most important museums of art and decorative art in the world. The building is located is itself a tourist attraction.      The museum is visited by over 600,000 people annually. The museum was built, like other museums in Vienna to house the huge collection of artifacts of the Habsburgs. Kunsthistorisches Museu...

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Vienna State Opera

Vienna State Opera

Vienna State Opera - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   Vienna State Opera (Wiener Staatsoper) is one of the most important works in the world where specatacole are a variety of opera and ballet at the highest artistic level. Opera is located in a district of Vienna, south end of Kärntnerstrasse. Vienna Opera House is a Landmark in terms of artistic and architectural. It was built between 1861 and 1869 by architects August von Sicardsburg and Eduard van der Null.      From the artistic po...

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The Belvedere

The Belvedere

The Belvedere - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   Belvedere is in the middle of a splendid park. The palace was built for Prince Eugene of Savoy, by JL von Hildebrandt, a well-known architect of the Baroque period. Belvedere means a place where you can see the beauty and the Belvedere Palace offers a great view of the old city in its gardens.      Although his parents were born in Italy, Prince Eugene was French and knew very well the Versailles Castle. Being exiled by Louis XIV, Jo...

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The Schonbrunn Palace

The Schonbrunn Palace

The Schonbrunn Palace - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   Schönbrunn Palace Versailles was to be the Austrian Empire but in the year 1695 when Fischer von Erlach designed the palace, raising its costs were too high. Thus, the palace was originally conceived more as a summer residence of the Habsburgs, but since Maria Theresa (1717-1780) and began the golden age of the Habsburgs, choosing it as the residence of Schönbrunn Palace.      Until 1749 the interiors were restored, the gallerie...

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St Stephen's Cathedral

St Stephen's Cathedral

St Stephen's Cathedral - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

   St Stephen's Cathedral has survived several wars and became a symbol of freedom Vienna. Gothic building was built in 1147 but the roof tiles or diamond form was added in 1952.      St Stephen's Cathedral was the subject of many books, pictures and studies. Uniqueness cathedral and many more are in St Stephen's Cathedral, an architectural treasure. Altars, arches, towers, images every detail has its purpose and history. Bell's Cathedral is...

Best places to visit in Vienna, Austria, best places in Austria, attractions in Vienna, things to do in Vienna, things to see in Vienna, visit Vienna, trip to Vienna, St. Stephen's Cathedral

The Hofburg Imperial Palace

The Hofburg Imperial Palace

The Hofburg Imperial Palace - The best places to visit in Vienna, Austria

    For over 600 years, the Hofburg was the residence of the Austrian sovereigns. Over time, was developed reaching one of the most important centers of European history. Here have led Habsburgs since XIII century, first as rulers of the Austrian provinces, since 1452 the Holy Roman emperors, and finally as emperors of Austria from 1806 until the end of monarchy in 1918.      Originally a stronghold of the XIII century, the Hofburg was exten...

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Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde - The best places to visit in Paris, France

   Place de la Concorde is the largest public square in Paris and separate the Tuileries Gardens to the Champs-Elysees. It was originally called Market Louis XV and was placed in the middle or one of his equestrian statue. The building is shaped as an octagon market began in 1754 and was completed in 1763.       A period after its construction, the market served as a meeting place for participants in the bloodiest revolution in French h...

Best places to visit in London, United Kingdom, UK, best places in UK, attractions in London, things to do in London, things to see in London, visit London, trip to London, Place de la Concorde

Hyde Park

Hyde Park

Hyde Park - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom

   One of the most important historical and tourist attractions of London, Hyde Park covers an area of 142 hectares. In Hyde Park there is something for every traveler or London. With over 4,000 trees, a lake, a meadow, riding facilities and more is very easy to forget you are in the middle of a city so excited pecum London.      When King Henry VIII and other people at the court manau their horses in Hyde Park in the year 1536, in pursuit o...

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St. James's Park

St. James's Park

St. James's Park - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom

   St James's Park is often associated with many things in the sphere of politics or literature because of its positioning. St James's Park is located in the heart of London and covers an area of 23 hectares. The park has a lake where live together ducks, geese and pelicans. St James's Park often held ceremonies, parades or celebrations of events of national importance.      Three royal palaces around St. James Park. The oldest of these is t...

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St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom St. Paul's Cathedral - The best places to visit in United Kingdom

   St. Paul Cathedral is masterpiece of Sir Christopher Wren, built in market and crowned by a dome Portlan wonderful. St Paul's Cathedral is a famous sightseeing attractions in the fullness of London. Very wide steps leading to the lovely two-story west facade and two towers in Baroque style. The left tower is located the largest bell in England. ? Big Paul? Produced in 1882, weighs 17 tons.       St. Paul was an inspiration for Britis...

Best places to visit in London, United Kingdom, UK, best places in UK, attractions in London, things to do in London, things to see in London, visit London, trip to London, St. Paul's Cathedral

Tower of London

Tower of London

Tower of London - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom Tower of London - The best places to visit in United Kingdom

   This is not surprising that the Tower of London is objective and historically the most popular tourist among tourists. Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror and over a thousand years of history of England took place around or behind its walls. The Tower of London has been executed Anne Boleyn, Guy Fawkes was interrogated and Richard II and Elizabeth I was imprisoned here. Stand guard on the banks of the Thames, the Tower of London is an impressive sightseeing....

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Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom Westminster Abbey - The best places to visit in United Kingdom

  St Peter, Westminster, best known as Westminster Abbey, occupies a unique place in British history. All British sovereigns since William the Conqueror, (except Edward V and Edward VIII) were ordained here. Westminster Abbey is also the resting place of monarchs in the second half of XIII century to the middle of the eighteenth century.      Westminster Abbey was built by command of King Edward the Confessor in the eleventh century, in the ...

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National Gallery

National Gallery

National Gallery - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom

   National Gallery was founded in 1824 while the House of Commons voted to purchase paintings collection of John Angerstein banker. The 38 paintings were originally displayed at Angerstein's house Pall Mall.       Nowadays, the National Gallery holds one of the most interesting collections of European toblouri world collection which is exhibited in a building built for her in central London. As the National Gallery building was expande...

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Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom

   Trafalgar Square, situated in the market downtown is a very important tourist attraction in London. Visiting the UK capital would be incomplete without a visit to Nelson's Column wonderful and the four lions at its base to admire penguins wells or boundaries. Built to commemorate him by Admiral Nelson, the square was named after the Spanish Cape Trafalgar, where Admiral won his last battle. John Nash is the designer of the 1820 market. Although not live to see it done, or ne...

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British Museum

British Museum

British Museum - The best places to visit in London, United Kingdom

     British Museum is the oldest and one of the largest museums in the world. Are few places where one can admire the many treasures of all time under one roof. Normally British Museum is among the most visited tourist attractions in London. Tourists will be fascinated by the Egyptian mummies or be inspired by stunning exhibitions of drawings and sketches that change several times a year.     To visit the British Museum, visitors should be p...

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