G G holiday best destinations pag 82


G holiday best destinations pag 82



Cuba - The "greenest" countries in the world

  Despite the Cuban communist government, which controls everything that moves, the country looks gorgeous. Many residents of Cuba travel by bicycle or on foot and many of them live on the money crops and animals. The government discourages the use of harmful pesticides and encourages the use of organic farm products. While other countries are focused on obtaining nuclear power, Cuba decided to make every effort to only depend on hydroelectric power....

The greenest countries in the world, eco-friendly locations, eco-friendly countries, eco-friendly places, clean environment, eco-friendly environment, Cuba



Colombia - The "greenest" countries in the world

  Among the few things that are known worldwide about Colombia is excessive deforestation due to expansion of palm plantations for their oil, but also flourishing drug business news is covered here.     Somehow though, this country managed to recover afloat, it learned from its past and started to change things for the better. Colombia is home to 10% of animal species worldwide. Scientists have discovered that all be hiding in Colombia 10 new spe...

The greenest countries in the world, eco-friendly locations, eco-friendly countries, eco-friendly places, clean environment, eco-friendly environment, Colombia

South Africa

South Africa

South Africa - The most dangerous destinations in the world

 Racism is the main problem in the country, social differences between blacks and whites are very large. It is the first country in the world ... regarding rapes and car thefts. Capital, Johannesburg, is one of the most dangerous cities, each family owning a gun to feel safe. South Africa recorded about 50 murders a day in a country with a population of 47 million....

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, South Africa



Jamaica - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  This island country has made a very bad reputation even when they saw a large tourism development, especially in the capital Kingston.   Gangsters and the police are the reasons that civilians often revolt, these demonstrations ending with gunfire. Daily in Kingston, according to statistics, about five people die, a staggering figure, considering the small population of the city - only 2.6 million.     Corruption an...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Jamaica



Venezuela - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Political tensions and the large differences between social classes are the main reasons why the crime rate is very high in Venezuela.     This increased by 67% in 1999, the year Chavez took power. People are so corrupt law, that are unable to maintain public order, police are themselves criminals dressed in uniform. All these things have brought civilians to the point where they are right with your own hands. Stupid reasons people are sho...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Venezuela



Lebanon - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Divided into pro and anti-Syrian forces, Lebanon is struggling to resolve political tensions. The assassination of important military leaders and battles with Israel in southern Lebanon made it cumbersome and difficult. Fighting with Israel ended last year, but tension remains high in Lebanon. Grouping the Hezbollah army is still present in some areas and other dangerous and extremist groups are active in Tripoli Sidoon and refugee camps. In the southern area you come across unexp...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Lebanon



Somalia - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Here the Somali federal government recently took control of the country's Islamic Union that held power which proves regional instability. Clan fighting and attacks on foreigners are frequent. Abductions are a constant danger for foreigners. Here pirates have eye and is not covered swords, but guns. The northern part of Somalia is not as dangerous as the south where heavy artillery still terrorizing the population. Even late last year, the capital Hargeisa was destroyed by explosi...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Somalia



Sudan - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Despair, death and destruction are synonymous with the name of Sudan. Terrorism is the key word in this country which was controlled by the Islamist military regime before its independence.     Some of the most notorious terrorists of the world were born in Sudan, ending his studies in the detonation of car, fatal shootings genocide.     From 2003 until today 230 000 Sudanese have fled into Chad, and more ...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Sudan

Palestine in Israel

Palestine in Israel

Palestine in Israel - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Conflicts in the Middle East dates back decades. Development of the group Hamas in the Gaza Strip has created a precarious political and military situation in the relationship with Israel. Do not get close to the border with the Gaza Strip or Lebanon. Bethlehem is still a safe place, just and Ramallah, Jericho and Jordan Valley. Regarding Jerusalem, the situation changes from day to day....

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Palestine, Israel



Afghanistan - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  There is no reason to go on the east side of Afganistnului a trip to historic treasures hidden here or giant statues of Buddha by the Taliban attacked with dynamite in 2003. And not just the East is dangerous.     Minaret of Jam, ranked two in the UNESCO list of World Patrimonilui a remarkable example of Islamic architecture is now in a dramatic valley, in the center of the country attacked by bandits. Kabul, once a quiet place is now full...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Afghanistan



Iraq - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Although security has improved in several regions of the ground state of war, the failure to reconcile the various political parties, and oblige the country to fight protracted instability. Extreme risk areas for safety, transportation and terrorism include Baghdad and stretch from Tikrit (north) to Hillah (south) and from Ramadi (west) to mandate (east)....

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Iraq



Zimbabwe - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Zimbabwe has some of the most beautiful natural attractions in the world, including Victoria Falls, Matobo rock formations, but African and ancient city of Great Zimbabwe. In addition, the country safari sites, which tourists are willing to face the dangers they may face. With a history filled with violent political struggles, economic difficulties, extreme poverty and human rights violations, especially under the administration of Mugabe, Zimbabwe has a poor infrastructure and an...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Zimbabwe



Georgia - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Georgia is one of the regions with a rich tradition in wine production and thus an attractive destination for his fans. Ancient monasteries, mountain trails and skiing in the region Bakuriani are also popular among tourists. Most dangerous places are the breakaway regions of Georgia - Akhmeta, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, where Georgian army carries is a constant presence, carrying raids against Russian troops and separatist groups. In these areas have reported several cases of kid...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Georgia



Haiti - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Haiti is a popular destination for cruise ships that head to Mexico, Caribbean and South America and most of their dock in Labadee, Haiti safest destination. The country was devastated by wars and violence throughout its tumultuous history and, despite the new president elected in May 2006, is a large country with security issues related to political tensions, lack of law, murder, ambushes, armed attacks, kidnappings, political demonstrations and violent confrontations, especially...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Haiti

North Korea

North Korea

North Korea - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  The only way you can travel to North Korea are tourist circuits via China. There are many places and monuments that deserve attention - including the War Museum and the tomb of King Kongmin. Since December 2008, South Korea border is closed, so tourists need two visas. All foreigners are closely monitored - conversations, movements, their behavior is closely monitored, especially activities that appear to be linked with politics or religion. No tourist can not talk bad ruling regi...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, North Korea



Laos - The most dangerous destinations in the world

 Laos became a popular destination for montagnards undergoing routes in Southeast Asia (mostly to Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam). Laos is a country bidders, among the main attractions is Pha That Luang counting in Vientiane, Si Phan Don, or "4000 Islands", but the city of Luang Prabang, a world heritage. Country is poor, thefts are on the agenda and the main victims are tourists. They are advised not to venture at night on the streets. The most dangerous areas are in the north...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Laos



Russia - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Being a former Soviet state in Russia was installed unintentionally capitalism. See ordinary people, sometimes too poor compared to those who pass through slums to luxury limousines, Armani suits and "blind" with gold and diamonds.     Russian Mafia has a much greater freedom than he could allow, as there are more gangsters than police. In this case, chaos broke who no longer had to maintain order and public peace.  ...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Russia

Colombia Country

Colombia Country

Colombia Country - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  In recent years, Colombia has become a sought after destination, especially for coffee lovers who have the opportunity to assist, through organized tours to traditional manufacturing process technology. They add to the attraction of Amazonian jungle, carnivals, pre-Columbian city of Ciudad Perdida (Lost City) and Los Nevados Natural Park. Between 1980 and 1990, Colombia was devastated by violence, terrorized by drug traffickers and cartels was the country with the highest number o...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Colombia

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea - The most dangerous destinations in the world

  Papua New Guinea is known as one of the countries with the most heterogeneous populations in the world is speaking here not less than 700 dialects! Even if not on list of top holiday destinations, with enough sense of adventure tourists are willing to experience this land of strange customs that binds both legends! However, in major cities, and towns such as Port Moresby and Countries, Mt. Hagen and Goroka, criminal gangs are very active and police are almost nonexistent. Also, tr...

The most dangerous destinations in the world, dangerous destinations, places to avoid visiting, dangerous places, danger, violence, peace, Papua New Guinea

Ilha de Queimada Grande

Ilha de Queimada Grande

Ilha de Queimada Grande - Places NOT to visit before you die

  Off the coast of Brazil, close to the heart of the city south of Sao Paolo is the Queimados Ilha Grande (Big Snake Island). Researchers estimate that about living on the island between March and June snakes per square meter. Snakes on Queimados Grande is a unique species of vipers golden spear head. Serpents Island vipers living increases more than half a meter and have a poison effect that melts quickly meat around bites. This place is so dangerous that you need a special permit ...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Snake Island, Ilha de Queimada Grande

Road of Death in Bolivia

Road of Death in Bolivia

Road of Death in Bolivia - Places NOT to visit before you die Road of Death in Bolivia - Best destinations for thrill seekers

  Road of Death or Yungas Road is a road about 61 kilometers, connecting the capital of Bolivia, La Paz, and the town of Coroico, Yungas region, the Bolivian Amazon. Famous for the extreme conditions in which traffic occurs, the road was declared in 1995 as "the most dangerous road in the world", making between 200 and 300 victims. The highway includes a single lane (generally not exceeding width 3.5 meters), is paved, muddy on rainy days devening (often being located in a...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Yungas Road

Ramree Island

Ramree Island

Ramree Island - Places NOT to visit before you die

  Burma Ramree Island is a giant swamp, home to over 1,000 of saltwater crocodiles, the world's most deadly. Is the native house of mosquitoes carrying malaria and venomous scorpions. During the Second World War, the island has been fighting for six weeks instead of the Burma Campaign. In February 1945, the Japanese army during the retreat from the island Ramree, saltwater crocodiles have caused the deaths of over 400 Japanese soldiers who were forced to sleep in a mangrove swamp fu...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Burma

Izu Islands

Izu Islands

Izu Islands - Places NOT to visit before you die

  Who likes dangerous places with dramatic stories, with many people dead? Izu Islands are a group of more than twenty volcanic islands and islets, of which nine are inhabited. Islands and their people have suffered throughout their history with some of the most terrifying forces of nature, including earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and volcanic eruptions. Despite these blows, people continued to live on the Izu islands, until 1953 when volcanic activity of Mount Miyake-jima destroye...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Izu Islands

Blarney Stone

Blarney Stone

Blarney Stone - Places NOT to visit before you die

 Tradition says that tourists kissing Blarney Stone - Blarney Irish castle located in the wall - will receive the gift of eloquence. Legend has it that the stone would actually be half of the famous Stone of Destiny which exist from the time the biblical character Jacob. The story claims that an old medieval magical powers conferred stone to reward a king who saved from drowning. After kissing magic stone, King became a very good speaker. In real terms, the stone is kissed by more than 4...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Blarney Stone

Juarez in Mexico

Juarez in Mexico

Juarez in Mexico - Places NOT to visit before you die

  Mexican city of Ciudad Juarez, located on the border with the United States, is most dangerous in the world, ahead of Caracas and New Orleans, said Wednesday a Mexican NGO.     Ciudad Juarez, with 1.4 million inhabitants, has recorded 130 crimes per 100,000 inhabitants in 2008, ahead of Caracas, with 96 crimes, and New Orleans with 95, according to a report by the Citizens Council for Public Safety in Mexico. Also, Ciudad Juarez is often affect...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, Juarez, Mexico

A Buzkashi Match

A Buzkashi Match

A Buzkashi Match - Places NOT to visit before you die

  Famous due to the movie Rambo 3, Buzkashi is a very tough sport, apparently bloody, with a home for thousands of years lost lands of Central Asia. Buzkashi seems a brutal combination between horse polo and rugby which uses a headless goat instead of the ball. This secular tradition is not inevitable but the spirit of fair play, as young people discover more and more Afghans are returning to ancient traditions banned by the Taliban regime.     A...

Places not to visit before you die, places to avoid visiting, famous places not worth visiting, places to not loose time with, A Buzkashi Match

Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile

Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile

Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile - The most amazing holes in the world

  Chuquicamata, or "Chuqui" is a career copper in Chile. It is the largest miner of copper production in the world and has over 850 meters deep. Copper is extracted here for centuries, as demonstrated by the discovery of a mummy dating from 550 AD died, called "Copper Man."...

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, Chuquicamata copper mine, Chile

The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia

The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia

The Udachnaya Pipe Diamond Mine, Russia - The most amazing holes in the world

  Udachnaya is a diamond mine in Russia. Owners of this I plan to stop its operations in 2010, in favor of underground mining. Udachnaya was discovered in 1955 and has over 600 m deep. Since 2004 the mine is controlled by a Russian diamond company, Alrosa....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, Udachnaya, Russia

The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada - The most amazing holes in the world

  Diavika is a mine in the Northwest Territories of Canada. Opened in 2003, diamond mine produced 1.600 kilograms per year (8 million carats). It is owned by a joint venture of Harry Winston Diamond Corporation and Diavik Diamond Mines Ink. Life expectancy for this career is from 16-22 years....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada

The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia - The most amazing holes in the world

  It is the largest diamond mine in the world. This mine is 525 m deep and a diameter of 1200 m. It is the first career in Russia, and one of the largest. It is now abandoned, and when was still operational, it took about 2 hours for trucks to get down to the exit of the mine. Absorption of air circulating inside led to collapse of various helicopters, therefore it is prohibited any flight above it now....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Mirny Diamond Mine, Russia

The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA - The most amazing holes in the world

  Bingham Canyon mine is a copper career in Oquirrh Mountains, Utah. It is 1.2 km deep and 4 km in diameter. It is the largest man-made excavation in the world. The career started to be used in 1906, and resulted in 7.7 square hole. Over time, the mine has proven to be most productive in the world....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA

The Monticello Dam, Napa County, California, USA

The Monticello Dam, Napa County, California, USA

The Monticello Dam, Napa County, California, USA - The most amazing holes in the world

  It is a dam in the Napa, California, built between 1953 and 1957. It is a concrete arch with a height of 93 m and 312 m long and contains 249,000 cubic meters of concrete. The dam formed the largest lake in California, Lake Berryessa, with a capacity of 1.976 million cubic meters of water....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, The Monticello Dam, Napa County, California, USA

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa

Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa - The most amazing holes in the world

   Known as "Big Hole", the mine holds the record for highest man-made hole in the world. In the direct sense. From 1866 to 1914, 50,000 miners were digging the mine with shovels, spin over 2.700 kilograms of diamonds. "Kimberley" has an area of 17 hectares and 463 meters in diameter....

Most amazing holes in the world, impressive holes, amazing natural phenomenon, great natural scenery, beautiful landscape, unusual landscapes, Kimberley Diamond Mine, South Africa



Billund - The best places to visit in Denmark

  When you say Billund, almost all Danish know that you actually want to say Lego. Here is the famous Legoland, dreamlike realm of imaginary cubes of famous company that for decades launching new and market new sets. Lego in Denmark is more than just a brand, is a national symbol and a pride. Legoland is a huge amusement park, with a total area of 100,000 square meters, which is visited every year by over 1.4 million tourists and locals.     ...

Top places to visit in Denmark, best places to visit in Denmark, best attractions in Denmark, top places in Denmark, places to go and see in Denmark, Denmark, visit Denmark, trip to Denmark, Billund

Skagens Gren

Skagens Gren

Skagens Gren - The best places to visit in Denmark

  Gren Skagens is a magical place, as it shows the Danes, the extreme north of Europe, where two major meet, the result is incredible: agitated and foamy waves that seem to fight off the coast. If the rest of the country's history plays an important role in creating a specific atmosphere, here you will find the ruins of a bunker during the Second World War, which reminds of the strategic importance which it had when the Danish coast.     Since th...

Top places to visit in Denmark, best places to visit in Denmark, best attractions in Denmark, top places in Denmark, places to go and see in Denmark, Denmark, visit Denmark, trip to Denmark, Skagens Gren