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Barri Gòtic

Barri Gòtic

Barri Gòtic - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

  Barri Gothic of Barcelona is the city's Gothic Quarter, an area characterized by tall old buildings, crossed by narrow streets full of history. Picasso lived and worked in Barri Gothic and also Juan Miro was born and lived here in his youth.     Barri Gothic is located on the right side of the famous La Rambla, Plaça de Catalunya to look like. Barri Gothic is considered the center of the old city of Barcelona and with the exception o...

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, Barri Gothic

La Pedrera - Casa Mila

La Pedrera - Casa Mila

La Pedrera - Casa Mila - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

   La Pedrera is one of the architectural works of Antoni Gaudí. Casa Mila was soon called "La Pedrera" - quarry because its exterior facade, which resembles a rock. There are many terror on Gaudi's inspiration when he designed La Pedrera from ocean waves to some mountains.       Whatever the source of inspiration that led to the creation of this masterpiece, the building looks like a sculpture full of contrasts between...

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, La Pedrera



Tibidabo - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

   Tibidabo Hill is a main attraction for those who go to Barcelona. You can see a beautiful view of Barcelona. Tibidabo is the highest of the hills surrounding the city. There is the Tibidabo amusement park and a church that has a lift that you can use to go above Barcelona and you can admire the sea. Visit Tibidabo can take a day, because there are many tourist attractions, such as amusement park, church choir Sagra, Automata Museum, the Observatory Fabra, Villa Joana, Collserola ...

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, Tibidabo



Montjuic - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

   Montjuic hill in Barcelona is a must-visit if you are on vacation in Barcelona. Barcelona beats Chapter parks almost any city in Europe. Parc Guell, Montjuic Ciutadella and are just a few. Montjuic Park is atop a small mountain on the outskirts. Barcelona is surrounded by mountains and hills, some quite remote, but it rises just outside the old part of town.       Montjuic Park unique position provides a beautiful view over the city....

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, Montjuic

Guell Park

Guell Park

Guell Park - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

   Guell Park is the work of Antoni Gaudí, who has left a remarkable footprint in one of the city of Barcelona. Park Guell is just great and especially like other works of Gaudi. The park was entrusted by Eusebi Guell Gaudi who wanted to create a stylish park for Barcelona aristocracy     The park contains amazing stone structures and buildings fascinating. On entering the park is famous dragon is decorated in various colors and which...

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, Guell Park

Picasso Museum

Picasso Museum

Picasso Museum - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

  Picasso Museum in Barcelona is one of the most comprehensive collection of artworks by Pablo Picasso. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Barcelona. The museum is housed five interconnected palaces of medieval Barri Gotic (Gothic Quarter of Barcelona).       The museum is situated in the heart of the old city of Barcelona. The idea of such a museum belonged to Picasso's good friend, Jaime Sebartes. Picasso's Sebartes gave ...

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, Picasso

La Rambla

La Rambla

La Rambla - The best places to visit in Barcelona, Spain

  The old city of Barcelona is definitely one of the most beautiful and romantic in Europe. Narrow streets, shops, the air itself invites you to walk through the neighborhood to know every part of this area.      La Rambla is probably the most famous area of Barcelona and with good reason. La Rambla stretches from Plaça de Catalunya to the statue of Columbus, and is filled with newspaper kiosks, flower and animal stalls and all sorts o...

Top places to visit in Barcelona, best places to visit in Barcelona, best attractions in Barcelona, top places in Barcelona, places to go and see in Barcelona, Spain, visit Barcelona, Barcelona, trip to Barcelona, top 10 places in Barcelona, La Rambla

Trajan's Column

Trajan's Column

Trajan's Column - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

  Trajan's Column was built between 106-113 AD to honor the victories of emperor Trajan in Dacia. It was located in the Column of Trajan's Forum (forum which had just been opened in those days) and surrounded by buildings.      A spiral relief is engraved around the column. Relief band has a length of 180 meters and its width varies from 60 cm to 120 cm below the top. On the column there are over 2,000 characters engraved in describing scene...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Trajan's Column

Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica

Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica

Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica - The most beautiful churches of Italy Santa Maria Maggiore Basilica - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

   Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore is an authentic jewel full of beauty of inestimable value. For about 16 centuries it dominates the city of Rome: Marian temple par excellence and the cradle of art, is a reference point for all people of the world, coming to enjoy what the eternal city offers through its monumental greatness. Church of Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the four main churches in Rome, built in 352 after Christ and dedicated to St. Mary. The shrine was built after...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Santa Maria Maggiore



Vatican - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

    A major tourist attraction, the smallest country in the world, Vatican City occupies an area of 0.44 square kilometers and serves as a spiritual center for millions of Roman Catholics worldwide.       The city state as it is often called the Vatican is the residence for about 800 people, but none of them is a permanent resident. The population of this tiny area around the basilica of San Pietro is composed of priests, monks, guards,...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Vatican



Pantheon - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

  Now built more than 1800 years of building great domes rising again as a reminder of the greatness fellow Roman Empire and is one of the attractions of Rome. Dome building with a height over 43 meters is the most impressive. It was the highest dome in the world until 1436 when the Florence Cathedral was built.      At the top there is an opening large dome, called OCULUS, which was the only source of light to the building. The front of the...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Pantheon

Piazza di Spagna

Piazza di Spagna

Piazza di Spagna - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

  Piazza di Spagna is one of the most popular places in Rome and also a very nice eye. The combination of monumental stairs - the famous Spanish Steps, with an obelisk and a church attracts a lot of photographers and tourists in this market.     Spanish Market is located in a French church (Trinita dei Monti) on top of a hill that can be reached by climbing a very long staircase, known as Scalinata della Trinita dei Monti or Spanish Steps. The id...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Piazza di Spagna

Roman Forum

Roman Forum

Roman Forum - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

   Roman Forum was the center of Roman political life, it highlighted many relics, temples and churches. Until i Ch 509 when Rome became a republic, the city was ruled by an Etruscan dynasty. It has built a sewage system called "Maximum sink" to bring water from marshy lands in the valley situated between the hills of the Palatine and Esquiline Capitol to the river Tiber. After construction of the aqueduct, the area became the most active center of Rome and place your firs...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Roman Forum

Fontana di Trevi

Fontana di Trevi

Fontana di Trevi - The best places to visit in Rome, Italy

   Fontana di Trevi is probably the best known and most beautiful fountain in Rome the whole city. This impressive monument dominates the small Trevi market located in the Quirinale district. Trevi Fountain is at the end of an aqueduct built in i Ch 19 is called the Aqua Virgo. This aqueduct bringing water from the Salone springs (about 20km away from Rome) and supplies the fountains in the historic center of Rome with water.       In 1...

Top places to visit in Rome, best places to visit in Rome, best attractions in Rome, top places in Rome, places to go and see in Rome, Italy, visit Rome, trip to Rome, top 10 places in Rome, travel to Rome, Trevi Fountain

Casa La Vigna

Casa La Vigna

Casa La Vigna - The best villas in Tuscany with pool

   Casa la Vigna is a welcoming luxury holiday villa that guarantees an authentic Tuscan experience. The house is embraced by an extensive 15-hectare land rich in olive groves and vineyards and enjoys overwhelming views on the surrounding landscape. Its history began about 200 years ago and it is now a splendid recently renovated home in the very heart of Tuscany. More details at

Villa, Tuscany, rent, accommodation, holiday, villa in Tuscany, luxury villa, best accommodation, vacation, house, modern, luxurious villa, Tuscan villa, villa with pool, Villa in Salutio, Villa in Tuscany, rent villa, Tuscany rental

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico - The best places in the Caribbean

  Puerto Rico is a small island compared to the natural treasures it holds. Central mountain chain reaching to an altitude of 1338m, at Cerro de Punta, and beaches are soft and golden sand, washed by warm turquoise waters. Although belonging to the United States, Puerto Rico has a culture and a different lifestyle. Many people have preserved the original style and the island is still Spanish territory with "fiestas" and "paella." The 4 million people seem to beli...

Top places to visit in Caribbean, best places to visit in Caribbean, best attractions in Caribbean, top places in Caribbean, places to go and see in Caribbean, Caribbean, visit Caribbean, trip to Caribbean, top 10 places in Caribbean, Puerto Rico



Aruba - The best places in the Caribbean

  A beautiful island located off the coast of Venezuela, Aruba is a perfect paradise: the weather, the view offered, beaches and so much sun. Aruba is an island and a beautiful country (180 km ², 88,000 inhabitants, the capital of Oranjestad) part of Netherlands in Central America.      Located in the Caribbean Sea north of the peninsula than Paraguaná (Venezuela), is a low altitude and arid island, a perfect paradise: the w...

Top places to visit in Caribbean, best places to visit in Caribbean, best attractions in Caribbean, top places in Caribbean, places to go and see in Caribbean, Caribbean, visit Caribbean, trip to Caribbean, top 10 places in Caribbean, Aruba



Cancun - The best places to visit in Mexico Cancun - The best places in the Caribbean

   Cancun means many things to many people. For students spring break represents a continuous party. For those who are in romantic honeymoon destination is perfect for a beginning of life in two. Sports enthusiasts can catch some waves or you can soak in the beautiful clear ocean.        From ancient ruins to beautiful beaches, Cancun offers something for everyone. Indeed, hardly find a destination with greater beauty of nature, wi...

Top places to visit in Caribbean, best places to visit in Caribbean, best attractions in Caribbean, top places in Caribbean, places to go and see in Caribbean, Caribbean, visit Caribbean, trip to Caribbean, top 10 places in Caribbean, Cancun



Antigua - The best places in the Caribbean

   Antigua is the largest island in the state that Antigua and Barbuda, Redonda form with Leeward Islands in the Caribbean. Antigua has an oval shape and an area of 280km2. Land in the south is of volcanic origin, and noed north-east are coral formations, and locals boasts 365 beaches, one for each day of the year.      With recent docks for cruise ships and hotels, the island's capital, St. Johns is an animated commercial and tourist center...

Top places to visit in Caribbean, best places to visit in Caribbean, best attractions in Caribbean, top places in Caribbean, places to go and see in Caribbean, Caribbean, visit Caribbean, trip to Caribbean, top 10 places in Caribbean, Antigua



Grenada - The best places in the Caribbean

  Grenada is an island of hills and mountains, covered with shrubs aromatic spices and rare tropical flowers. Bordered by beaches and dotted with picturesque towns, lush island that has long been a source majota of nutmeg, cloves, ginger, cinnamon and cocoa. Seductive aromas fill the colorful Sunday market and dense forests. Inside this volcanic island are rivers and waterfalls, lush rainforest and one of the most beautiful mountain lakes. Port St. George in the horseshoe shape is s...

Top places to visit in Caribbean, best places to visit in Caribbean, best attractions in Caribbean, top places in Caribbean, places to go and see in Caribbean, Caribbean, visit Caribbean, trip to Caribbean, top 10 places in Caribbean, Grenada

Bay of Fundy

Bay of Fundy

Bay of Fundy - The best places to visit in Canada

  Bay of Fundy tides are considered a natural wonder with the Grand Canyon, Mount Everest and Niagara Falls. Although it's difficult to reach Mount Everest, many of us have seen Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon. Unfortunately, few have seen, some of them have never heard of the famous Bay of Fundy tides. Located on the east coast of North America between the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and the U.S. state of Maine, Bay of Fundy is the Atlantic Ocean and is 280 km long.&n...

Top places to visit in Canada, best places to visit in Canada, best attractions in Canada, top places in Canada, places to go and see in Canada, Canada, visit Canada, trip to Canada, top 10 places in Canada, travel to Canada, Fundy Bay



Quebec - The best places to visit in Canada

   Quebec City was conceived and built as a fortress, the only city in the north of Mexico. The rivalry between the English and French in North America led to a war that lasted for seven years and led to the British occupation forces in Quebec by the year 1759 and that designation of territory as British colony. The British made a treaty of capitulation and compromise  promising to protect the French language and cu...

Top places to visit in Canada, best places to visit in Canada, best attractions in Canada, top places in Canada, places to go and see in Canada, Canada, visit Canada, trip to Canada, top 10 places in Canada, travel to Canada, Quebec

Baffin Island

Baffin Island

Baffin Island - The best places to visit in Canada

    Baffin Island belongs to the administrative region of Qikiqtaaluk  of Nunavut in Canada. With an area of 507,451 km2 is the largest island in Canada and the 5th largest in the world. In 2006, the island registered a population of approx. 11 000 persons, which places it first among the islands of Nunavut and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago in general.       The island is named after English explorer William Baffin...

Top places to visit in Canada, best places to visit in Canada, best attractions in Canada, top places in Canada, places to go and see in Canada, Canada, visit Canada, trip to Canada, top 10 places in Canada, travel to Canada, Baffin Island

Pacific Rim National Park

Pacific Rim National Park

Pacific Rim National Park - The best places to visit in Canada

   It is located along the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, with magnificent islands, beaches and marine landscapes that make many parts of the park. From geographically, consists of three parts: Long Beach, Broken Group islands and West Coast Trail 75 km long, one of the best known and most demanding routes of travel in Canada. Long Beach, spreading over miles, is interrupted from place to place forested ridge. The coast can be seen orca whales and blue whales. &...

Top places to visit in Canada, best places to visit in Canada, best attractions in Canada, top places in Canada, places to go and see in Canada, Canada, visit Canada, trip to Canada, top 10 places in Canada, travel to Canada, National Park Pacific Rim

Casa Il Vescovo

Casa Il Vescovo

Casa Il Vescovo - The best villas in Tuscany with pool

   Nestled on the verdant valleys between the town of Pistoia and the Apennine Mountains, Il Vescovo is a sought-after holiday retreat both in summer and wintertime. Pistoia town is to be easily reached in less than 20 minutes by car, which offers countless opportunities for the guests. From here, one can access with little efforts the beautiful sites of Florence, Siena, Pisa, Lucca as well as many others.        The house has been subj...

Villa, Tuscany, rent, accommodation, holiday, villa in Tuscany, luxury villa, best accommodation, vacation, house, modern, luxurious villa, Tuscan villa, villa with pool, Villa in Pistoia, Villa in Tuscany, rent villa, Tuscany rental

Petra in Jordan

Petra in Jordan

Petra in Jordan - The most beautiful places in the Middle East

    Petra is one of the most popular regions in terms of ruins in the world, due mainly appearance Kazneh monastery ruins in the third Indiana Jones film series. Sandstone cliffs sheltering about 3,000 temples and carved stone funerary monuments, shrines, homes and dance halls.      Impressive part of this landscape and a magnificent monastery painted in bright colors that make this small town with only 20,000 inhabitants in the Negev desert...

Most beautiful places in the Middle East, Middle East, what to visit in Middle East, best places in Middle East, Arab countries, Muslim, Petra, Jordan

Beirut in Lebanon

Beirut in Lebanon

Beirut in Lebanon - The most beautiful places in the Middle East

   Beirut was built on a high rocky promontory. Nowadays it is the capital of a modern nation, but in times gone deep harbor and central location were not so popular, the city is overshadowed by more powerful neighbors.        In dark times Birotica town called, a Semitic word meaning "well" or "source". When cities of Sidon and Tyre and the city began declining in the first century BC. Berytus, as it was then c...

Most beautiful places in the Middle East, Middle East, what to visit in Middle East, best places in Middle East, Arab countries, Muslim, Beirut, Lebanon

Marmaris in Turkey

Marmaris in Turkey

Marmaris in Turkey - The most beautiful places in the Middle East

   Marmaris is a resort of Kusadasi coastline that rivals for the title of biggest resort on the west coast of Turkey. However Marmaris has many forests and natural beauties, except for historical sites, which are less than in Kusadasi. Marmaris supposedly comes from the name "Mimar I", which in Turkish means "hanged architect. When you see high tie holiday apartment buildings, you'll understand where does this name.     ...

Most beautiful places in the Middle East, Middle East, what to visit in Middle East, best places in Middle East, Arab countries, Muslim, Marmaris

Jerusalem in Israel

Jerusalem in Israel

Jerusalem in Israel - The most beautiful places in the Middle East

  Jerusalem is holy city for three religions and the promised land for two of them. In the old city there are priests, nuns, and rabbis mollah them everywhere. Churches of all denominations endow the city, the mosque with golden dome can be seen from distance and the Wailing Wall is always crowded.      But the old city Jerusalem is not only a holy city. It is also a very crowded market with several shops for tourists than any other place and in ...

Most beautiful places in the Middle East, Middle East, what to visit in Middle East, best places in Middle East, Arab countries, Muslim, Jerusalem, Israel

Istanbul in Turkey

Istanbul in Turkey

Istanbul in Turkey - The most beautiful places in the Middle East

   Istanbul - known as the capital of capital, is the only city in the world who turn up on two continents and was the capital over two consecutive empires: the Byzantine and the Ottoman Islamic Christian. Although it was the capital of the Ottoman Empire, outside official capital Ankara, Istanbul remains the commercial capital, Turkey's historical and cultural. Town beauty lies in how combining opposites: ancient and modern, religious and secular, Asia and Europe, mystical and eart...

Most beautiful places in the Middle East, Middle East, what to visit in Middle East, best places in Middle East, Arab countries, Muslim, Istanbul, Turkey

Casa Figline

Casa Figline

Casa Figline - The best villas in Tuscany with pool

   Casa Figline is a beautiful and luxurious holiday home set close to the ancient village of Figline Valdarno, within close proximity to the greatest cultural and historical centres of Tuscany such as Florence, Siena and Arezzo. The panorama that the house enjoys goes beyond imagination, with the typical vineyards scattering the landscape all the way to Valdarno and Pratomagno hills. In a scenic spot, the welcoming swimming pool lies. The house can sleep up to 10 people in four ele...

Villa, Tuscany, rent, accommodation, holiday, villa in Tuscany, luxury villa, best accommodation, vacation, house, modern, luxurious villa, Tuscan villa, villa with pool, Villa in Figline, Villa in Tuscany, rent villa, Tuscany rental

French Riviera

French Riviera

French Riviera - Top places to visit in France French Riviera - Best destinations in the world

   A European tourist should reach at least once on the French Riviera, known as the Côte d'Azur, if only for the celebrity of this place, one of the few exotic destinations in Continental Europe. The entire coast of the Riviera has formed 120 km, enough to accommodate almost any form of entertainment, all types of hotels, motels and campgrounds, including 40 km of beach covered with stones, but with enough sand.       There are no few...

Top places to visit in France, best places to visit in France, best attractions in France, top place in France, places to go and see in France, France, visit France, trip to France, top 10 places in France, travel to France, French Riviera



Normandy - Top places to visit in France

  If you want something more special than Saint Tropez, then we recommend Normandy. The road from Paris by car, it takes more than four hours and you'll find some wonderful places. Deauville is the place to come conaisseurii in terms of beaches and entertainment 'aristocratic', such as roulette and black jack. Chic hotels, luxury boutiques and beyond.     It is the city where the French and American actors in the '60s, '70s used to spend their ho...

Top places to visit in France, best places to visit in France, best attractions in France, top place in France, places to go and see in France, France, visit France, trip to France, top 10 places in France, travel to France, Normandy

Pyrenees Mountains

Pyrenees Mountains

Pyrenees Mountains - Top places to visit in France Pyrenees Mountains - The most beautiful mountains in the world

    Pyrenees are the most suitable place for a trip and once reached the top you will be delighted by the extraordinary sight. Pyrenees extend for 435 km and covers 55,400 km square and their maximum width is about 130 km. Pyrenees usually have a continuity of peaks divided into sections of West, Central and Eastern....

Top places to visit in France, best places to visit in France, best attractions in France, top place in France, places to go and see in France, France, visit France, trip to France, top 10 places in France, travel to France, Pyrenees



Auvergne - Top places to visit in France

   Auvergne region of France is a region located in central-southern part, in the Massif Central. Former province of Auvergne corresponds approximately, but inclde other former provinces and territories: Bourbonnais, Velay, Gevaudan, and Forez Vivarais.    Much of the region is covered by mountains of the Massif Central, dating from the late herican massive primary era which lies on a sixth of the surface of France. The landscape is as a high plateau, cut by...

Top places to visit in France, best places to visit in France, best attractions in France, top place in France, places to go and see in France, France, visit France, trip to France, top 10 places in France, travel to France, Auvergne