best best holiday best destinations pag 54


best holiday best destinations pag 54

Kerala Backwaters

Kerala Backwaters

Kerala Backwaters - The best places to visit in India

   Vast plains, wildlife sanctuaries, beaches untouched by human imagination, palm trees, lagoons and elephants, plantations of bananas, rare butterflies and flowers, strong smell of roses and discussion hospitality at every turn, all of Kerala are the most beautiful place on earth     God's Country is not that far. Somewhere in South India, lies a stretch of tropical paradise most beloved, long 560 km, Kerala. A kaleidoscope of people and c...

Top places to visit in India, best places to visit in India, best attractions in India, top places in India, places to go and see in India, India, visit India, Delhi, trip to India, Kerala Backwaters

Hawa Mahal

Hawa Mahal

Hawa Mahal - The best places to visit in India

  An impressive and noteworthy building in India, whose name means Palace of Winds, Hawa Mahal is located in Haipur, known as the Pink City of India. It is a major landmark here and attracts fans from all over the world. This palace was built in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Sing, was designed by Lal Chand Usta, as the crown of the god Krishna, Hindu God. Hawa Mahal is a pyramid-shaped facade with five stories. This palace has 953 small windows decorated with a grid. ...

Top places to visit in India, best places to visit in India, best attractions in India, top places in India, places to go and see in India, India, visit India, Delhi, trip to India, Hawa Mahal, Jaipur

Elephanta Caves in Mumbai

Elephanta Caves in Mumbai

Elephanta Caves in Mumbai - The best places to visit in India

  It was discovered by the Portuguese in the 16th century, with an enormous elephant carved in stone with a baby elephant back, which guarded the island. Hence the name of the island. Here you will find a large plateau, a sort of level stone terrace. In the mountains, in your face, a hole as a portal supported on four columns of stone, about 5 meters high. These columns ascend the ground about a man-sized and shaped rectangular base, and from there up top is round, ending with round...

Top places to visit in India, best places to visit in India, best attractions in India, top places in India, places to go and see in India, India, visit India, Delhi, trip to India, Elephanta Caves, Mumbai

Khajuraho Temples in Madhya Pradesh

Khajuraho Temples in Madhya Pradesh

Khajuraho Temples in Madhya Pradesh - The best places to visit in India

  Located in central India, in a small town called Khajurajo, the famous "temple of love", an expression of an ancient civilization, have turned this place into a major tourist hub of the country. Temples of Khajuraho were built between 950 and 1050 our era, the Chandel dynasty, they are considered the height of Indian architecture from this period. At first they were built in total number of 85 temples, of which only about 22 have been preserved until today. Long time the...

Top places to visit in India, best places to visit in India, best attractions in India, top places in India, places to go and see in India, India, visit India, Delhi, trip to India, Khajuraho Temples, Madhya Pradesh

Qutab Minar in Delhi

Qutab Minar in Delhi

Qutab Minar in Delhi - The best places to visit in India

  The superb buildings in this complex dates back to the establishment of Muslim rule in India first. Qutb Minar is a high tower erected to celebrate the victory of 1193, after defeating the last Hindu kingdom in Delhi. The tower has five distinct rooms, each with a balcony where you will find candles like in fairy tales. The mosque's courtyard is a tower that is said if you can not include the arms back to his stall, you will not fulfill the desire. Today, the pillar is surrounded ...

Top places to visit in India, best places to visit in India, best attractions in India, top places in India, places to go and see in India, India, visit India, Delhi, trip to India, Qutab Minar, Delhi

Red Fort in Delhi

Red Fort in Delhi

Red Fort in Delhi - The best places to visit in India

  Lal Qila is one of the main attractions of the city Delhi. A beautiful red stone fort built by Emperor Shah Jahan. Completed in 1648, tracks the passage of time has left the building - the rooms have been stripped of objects long ago, marble ornaments are missing and some buildings were banned. However, the size of the monument continues to be impressive, and the gardens are tidy and are green even in winter. Among the main buildings are: chatting Chow (Covered Bazaar), Diwan-i-Am...

Top places to visit in India, best places to visit in India, best attractions in India, top places in India, places to go and see in India, India, visit India, Delhi, trip to India, Red Fort, India, New Delhi

Tree Pangolin

Tree Pangolin

Tree Pangolin - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  They have a shell made of bony plates covering the body above the shoulders and hips, like a shield. They feed mainly on ants find them with highly developed olfactory system. Because of strong claws to pierce holes they dig. They can eat up to 200,000 ants in a single night. Their language is very long, about 70 cm, sticky, and its muscles are very strong.     Food is swallowed and dissolved in the stomach because this species has ...

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Tree Pangolin

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Victoria Crowned Pigeon - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  Also known as the common pigeon Crowned pigeon crowned or blue, Goura cristata is a member of the family Columbidae, being one of the most beautiful species of birds. The size of a hen, has bright feathers, turquoise, and fan shaped crest he always stays high. These extraordinary birds live in tropical forests of New Guinea, it does not fly and tend to live on earth, especially feeding on fallen fruit from trees....

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarin - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  Emperor Tamarin is a species of squirrel-sized monkeys. This animal is distinguished by its oversized mustache against his body. The name comes from its resemblance to the German emperor, Wilhelm II. Its area is located in southwestern Amazon River basin. You can see in South America, the Amazon, Bolivia, Brazil and even in Peru. In Europe, you can see, Paignton Zoo, England. Fur is predominantly gray color with yellow hues on piept.Trăiesc in groups of 2-8 individuals led by the ...

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Emperor Tamarin

Philippine Tarsier

Philippine Tarsier

Philippine Tarsier - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  Suborder Tarsioidea, whose species, very few in number, are called Maki-ghosts, consists of a single family, Tarsiidae, with only one genus, Tarsius. These quirks of nature and live in the Malaysian island region is the remains of a group of animals that lived in the early Tertiary. Currently, the tarsier is considered an intermediary between semimaimute mammals and monkeys.     This animal is surprising in appearance: the eyes are round and cl...

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Tarsier

Proboscis Monkey

Proboscis Monkey

Proboscis Monkey - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  The proboscis monkey - Nasalis larvatus - is a singular animal, because of male appearance (whose nose, very developed, gives a strange look), but also because of her remarkable performance of swimmers. It lives only in Borneo and the island can be found everywhere, but only in areas of mangrove forests and wetlands near the shores, never to distances over 300 km of coasts. In the jungle live by botanists assessments, more than 11,000 plant species, one third of them are ende...

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Proboscis Monkey



Aye-aye - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  Aye Aye lemur, native of Madagascar, can seem like a character from horror movies, a small alien creature invented rather than real. Imagine an animal the size of a cat with big ears like funnels, sharp teeth and bulging eyes. Add a spiky gray hair, a bushy tail and some thin fingers, one very long and you get very odd image of a mammal. It is, however, is how real, is a nocturnal primate that is part of the family Daubentoniidae, infraordinul Chiromyiformes.  ...

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Aye-Aye, Madagascar

Leafy Sea Dragon

Leafy Sea Dragon

Leafy Sea Dragon - Top wierd animals worth traveling for

  Dragons of the species than leaf type is related Phycodurus eques high horse (both are part of the family Syngnathidae) and represents an excellent camouflage than taking advantage of what cover ornamental fireworks body to be confused with the landscape and escape predators. Looks like high horse, having an elongated snout and bony body. Shows a large dragon colors ranging from brown to yellow to green, the differences between individuals are determined by age, diet or location. ...

Top animals worth traveling for, best animals, beautiful animals, weird animals, unique animals, unique species, unique wildlife, places to watch wildlife, Leafy Sea Dragon

Krakow Zoological Garden

Krakow Zoological Garden

Krakow Zoological Garden - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  On 6 July 1929, Kracowski Ogrod Zoologiczny opens its gates to visitors. The location was chosen as there may be more suitable for animal welfare - in the middle of a park of 500 hectares, where it grows and shady old trees. The institution had a fulminant evolution, 4 acres and 111 animals of 37 species in the inauguration, on 20 acres and 1,500 animals of 260 species in the year 2009.     Among the stars of the garden include Citta quadrupeds...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Krakow Zoo

Copenhagen Zoological Garden in Denmark

Copenhagen Zoological Garden in Denmark

Copenhagen Zoological Garden in Denmark - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe Copenhagen Zoological Garden in Denmark - Best destinations in the world

  Founded in 1852, is among the top zoos in Europe and consequently in the world. It covers 11 hectares and is the most visited Danish Institute of profile: in 2008, entered its gates fix 1,161,388 visitors. Zoo is famous for its new Elephant House, designed by famous British architect Sir Norman Foster. Copenhagen Zoo is developing and promoting more active programs to save from extinction of many animal species.     It was founded by Niels orni...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Copenhagen Zoological Garden, Denmark

Schönbrunner Zoo in Vienna, Austria

Schönbrunner Zoo in Vienna, Austria

Schönbrunner Zoo in Vienna, Austria - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  If you arrive in Vienna, head steps towards Tiergarden Schönbrunn, Schönbrunn zoo that is situated near the palace of the same name. Founded in 1752 as an imperial menagerie, it is actually the first zoo in the world. Emperor Joseph II expeditions in Africa and the Americas, in order to capture wild animals for captivity in Vienna. Number of animals has increased steadily until 1945, when the Allies during the bombardment of Vienna, a part of the garden was destroyed, a ...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Schönbrunner Zoo, Vienna, Austria, Vienna Zoo

Madrid Zoo & Aquarium

Madrid Zoo & Aquarium

Madrid Zoo & Aquarium - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  Madrid inhabitants with cohorts of tourists who annually come and the capital of Spain, had the privilege of visiting a zoo "classic" located near a huge Aquapark. Wonderful opportunity to admire in real terms so animals living on land, and those that roam the seas and oceans. The entire assembly is located near the Casa de Campo and the store opened in 1770 under the name "House Fieras" with the declared goal of presenting animals to the American colonies then...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Madrid Zoo & Aquarium

Rome Zoological Garden, Italy

Rome Zoological Garden, Italy

Rome Zoological Garden, Italy - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  Bioparco di Roma Called by the citizens of the seven hills of Italy's capital city zoo was built in 1908 and, in contrast to most European zoos have ongoing scientific programs, the garden has remained faithful to Rome, his primary desideratum , which is to provide public entertainment and relaxation. It covers an area of over 12 hectares and was built in the northern district Villa Borghese. Construction plans have been formed by the famous Carl Hagenbeck, a respected trainer who...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Rome Zoological Garden, Rome Zoo, Italy

Moscow Zoological Garden, Russia

Moscow Zoological Garden, Russia

Moscow Zoological Garden, Russia - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  Rightly considered the largest and most important zoo in Russia, the zoo has Gruzinskaia Boulevard behind a troubled history, the location being currently one of the most popular establishments of its kind in the world. It was founded during the Czarist period, namely in 1864 by a group of teachers of biology at the University of Moscow, on their behalf KF Rulje, etc. USOV and A.P. Bogdanov. In 1919, the Bolshevik regime nationalized it, and over 3 years of control over the instit...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Moscow Zoo, Russia

Prague Zoological Garden, Czech Republic

Prague Zoological Garden, Czech Republic

Prague Zoological Garden, Czech Republic - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  The Czech capital is one of the best rated zoos in the world: Prague zoo is not only a living sanctuary, where animals frolic in semilibertate happy, but a real Noah's Ark, which have been saved valuable species of animals from extinction. The idea behind the Garden, was put into practice in 1881, when Prince Rudolf of Austria marriage with Princess Stephanie of Belgium. Then, a local newspaper called for the establishment of a zoological garden in Prague. In 1919, a meeting of mo...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Prague Zoological Garden, Czech Republic

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany

Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  Zoologischer Garten Berlin is the oldest and best known location of its kind in Germany. Impresioanat Besides this, the Berlin zoo last year had more than 3 million visitors, making it the crowning title of the most visited zoo in Europe. Open to the public on 1 August 1844, covers 35 hectares. The first of its collection of wild animals have been donated by Frederick William IV, King of Prussia. After the bombing during the Second World War the garden was almost completely destro...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Berlin Zoological Garden, Germany

Zoo in Paris

Zoo in Paris

Zoo in Paris - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  City of Lights has benefited from a zoo since 1793, the French Revolution in full swing. Under a decision of the National Council the same year, all privately owned exotic animals were either donated from Versaiiles Menajeriei (future zoo), or killed, stuffed and donated to science museums. The true founding fathers of the important cultural and scientific settlement of Paris was Jacques-Henry Bernardin de Saint Pierre (1737-1814). He was faithful to the principle of holding anima...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Zoo in Paris

Basel Zoo in Switzerland

Basel Zoo in Switzerland

Basel Zoo in Switzerland - The most beautiful Zoos in Europe

  This is the oldest and largest zoo in the country of Cantons. The institution annually attracts more than 1.7 million visitors stain, making it the most visited tourist attraction in Switzerland. Basel Zoo, and Zoll, as a Swiss swing, covering an area of 13 hectares and accommodates a total of 6894 animals of 645 species. Here, the first baby born in the first Indian rhino has seen the light of day in captivity. Here was born the first baby gorilla in captivity. Swiss Succcesul ca...

Most beautiful Zoos in Europe, best zoos, wildlife, animals, watching animals, biology, life, zoo, best places in Europe, Basel Zoo, Switzerland

Villa Serena

Villa Serena

Villa Serena - The best villas in Tuscany with pool

  A luxury rustic home, Villa Serena is centrally located in Tuscany, set on gently rolling hills, within easy reach of Pistoia as well as Florence. It is wrapped around by an olive grove and fruit trees. From this spot, the house enjoys incredible views on the lush Tuscan landscape.      Dating from the 18th century, the villa has been meticulously renovated recently, being embedded with modern comforts together with period furnishings, to ...

Villa, Tuscany, rent, accommodation, holiday, villa in Tuscany, luxury villa, best accommodation, vacation, house, modern, luxurious villa, Tuscan villa, villa with pool, Villa in Pistoia, Villa in Tuscany, rent villa, Tuscany rental

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Hanging Gardens of Babylon - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  The second wonder of the ancient world had almost two hundred years younger than the Pyramid of Cheops. Hanging Gardens of Babylon were composed of seven terraces of stone slabs and beams placed on the ceiling of a basement. Since the terraces were at 5 m above the other to create an impression of huge stairs.     Entering the garden give the impression that you climb a hill, while parts of the structure seemed to go into each other. There were...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Bahai Gardens in Haifa

Bahai Gardens in Haifa

Bahai Gardens in Haifa - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  A truly spectacular garden considering climatic conditions offered by Israel. Beauty, grandeur, and especially religion are special design inspired by the garden in Haifa Bahai Temple one of the most visited gardens in the world.     Panorama Mount Caramel offered by the city and harbor is wonderful. The temple and its gardens were built on this particular mountain, being suspended and imposing. Gardens are being revealed in all their splendor ...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Bahai Gardens, Haifa, Israel

Gardens at Het Loo Palace

Gardens at Het Loo Palace

Gardens at Het Loo Palace - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  Great Garden Het Loo Palace is a garden built in Baroque style with rich décor, created by William III of Orange and Mary II Stuart. Foreign visitors have called this garden "Versailles of Holland" because of its appearance axial fountains, flowers and statues.     This garden was designed by Andre Le Notre's nephew, Claude Desgotz. Great Garden has a central axis and alleys dotted with orange, they are as a badge of ...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Het Loo Palace, Het Loo Gardens

Peterhof Gardens in St. Petersburg

Peterhof Gardens in St. Petersburg

Peterhof Gardens in St. Petersburg - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  Summer Garden in St. Petersburg was founded in 1704 by order of Tsar Peter the Great who also was personally involved in its plan. Strict geometrical principles are specific to the Dutch baroque style, the alleys are symmetrical trees have perfect shapes, the wells are important focal points. The initial plan belongs to Leblon. In the garden, marble statues to be found especially in Europe and of course, rare flowers and impressive fountains. It was originally created for the aris...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Peterhof Gardens, St. Petersburg

Mirabell Gardens

Mirabell Gardens

Mirabell Gardens - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  Anyone going to visit Salzburg should not miss the opportunity to walk through the lovely Mirabell Gardens, Hohensalzburg fortress and cathedral located between Salzburg, Mozart's house near the place where he was born Doppler.     Considered to be the most beautiful baroque garden designed in Europe, Mirabell Gardens dates from 1689, but the structure has been modified several times over time. The core, called the''big''is the only ground that...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Mirabell Gardens

Holland's Keukenhof Gardens

Holland's Keukenhof Gardens

Holland's Keukenhof Gardens - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  Known as the largest and most impressive garden variety tulips in the garden is located near Amsterdam, in the town of Lisse. Because it is open only two months, during spring, you must get there at that time of year to admire its splendor. Of course you will find very many flowers, but many visitors, so empower yourself with patience. The landscape is complemented by several small rivers, waterways, several simple bridges, fountains and ornamental ponds. It is one of the mos...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Keukenhof Gardens

Exbury Gardens in UK

Exbury Gardens in UK

Exbury Gardens in UK - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  It is a famous garden in Hampshire, London, which belonged to the Rothschild family. Lionel Nathan de Rothschild Exbury bought the property in 1919 and began building a huge garden. At that time, was simply a remote area. William Mitford, whose family has owned property in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, described the place as''a paradise on Earth.'' Lionel hired armed''clean''of people to forested area so as to be made a garden. Slowly, forested land was cleared of unwan...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Exbury Gardens

Claude Monet Gardens in Giverny

Claude Monet Gardens in Giverny

Claude Monet Gardens in Giverny - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  One of the biggest attractions of France for lovers of art and nature is Claude Monet's garden in the village of Giverny. As the name indicates, it belonged to the great Impressionist painter, who enchanted beauty during a trip here small town decides to buy a house around which will fit your garden.     Of all the beauty of nature was one of the richest sources of inspiration and vitality but for writers, poets, musicians and painters. Garden ...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Claude Monet Garden in Giverny

Boboli Gardens

Boboli Gardens

Boboli Gardens - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  Boboli Gardens form a famous park in Florence, Italy, is home to a rich collection of sculptures dating from the sixteenth century. The garden was built behind the Pitti Palace, the residence of the Medici, Cosimo de Medici's order for his wife Eleonora di Toledo. Boboli Gardens was begun by Niccolo Triboli and his death in 1550, building yard was taken over by Bartolomeo Amman....

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Boboli Gardens

The Garden of Cosmic Speculations

The Garden of Cosmic Speculations

The Garden of Cosmic Speculations - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  Scotland is renowned as one  of the most beautiful gardens in the world. The Garden of Cosmic Speculation is situated in the south-east of Scotland.  It is spread over 30 acres in the Borders area of Scotland and it was created by the architectural critic and designer Charles Jencks's wife, Maggie. The Garden of Cosmic Speculation is described as one of the most original and most important gardens of the century. It is designed as a pla...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Garden of Cosmic Speculations

Gardens of Versailles

Gardens of Versailles

Gardens of Versailles - The most beautiful gardens in the world

  When you arrive in Paris should not miss visiting one of the most complex ever built gardens. Interesting paths through the majestic layout, the buildings they contain, statues and fountains, is a garden for all seasons with wonderful plants and trees.     Located in the west of the palace of Versailles, the gardens occupy an area of 800 hectares, was built by Andre Le Notre. Besides carefully tended lawns, flower beds and sculptures, another f...

Most beautiful gardens in the world, beautiful gardens, best places, vegetation, plants, impressive gardens, green, ecology, eco-friendly, environment, Gardens of Versailles