
Massage / The best massage techniques worldwide / Therapeutic Massage


Therapeutic Massage


    The method was developed in the early 1970s by Dora Kunz and Dolores Krieger, nurses and teachers at New York University. Achieving a therapeutic approach that is reminiscent of the old practice of positioning of hands, without religious connotations.

    This is probably one of the most energy approaches the scientific studies and documents. Various studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing anxiety, pain, and postoperative unpleasant effects of chemotherapy. The method is approved by many professional associations in the world being applied in many hospitals in 75 countries. Achieving therapeutic achievement always involves direct. Most common technique practitioner keeps hands 10 cm from the patient who remains clothed. A session lasts between 10 and 30 minutes and takes place normally in five stages: concentration that occurs; with hands-evaluate the nature of energy field receptor; made a wide swing-aging by movements of the hands to eliminate the energy accumulation; rearmonizeaza energy field projecting thoughts, sounds or colors; end re-evaluate the quality of energy field.

   Practitioners say the technique the body, spirit and emotions are part of a complex and dynamic energy field every person that would own the quantum nature. If this field is in harmony to express the health, disruption of means disease. Achieving therapeutic allow transfer of energy to rebalance the energy field and promote health. Opponents argue that this method of "energy field" was never ce and its benefits should not be attributed only a positive psychological response or placebo effect. To sustain controversy, theorists argue that an essential method of treatment would be the quality of focus, intention and compassion that occurs, it is difficult to assess clinically.
   By his great simplicity, the technique can generally learn how many 8:00; professional practitioners participate in workshops and practical training supervised by a mentor.
The main therapeutic applications of the technique are mentioned: decrease anxiety; improve the general state of cancer; improve postoperative pain or painful treatments to hospitalized patients; improving pain of arthritis and osteoarthritis; reducing symptoms in patients with Alzheimer's dementia
Other possible indications: improvement headaches; promote wound healing; treat anemia; improving chronic pain; symptoms of fibromyalgia

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Therapeutic Massage - Outmost relaxation

Therapeutic Massage - Therapeutic massage
Therapeutic Massage - Therapeutic massage